Command : REALM


[##:##] Command : realm <NUMBER> <SECTS>

The realm command allows you to manipulate the contents of the realms associated with your country which provide a convenient way to save coordinates that are frequently used (see info syntax for use of realm arguments).

In the syntax of the realm command <NUMBER> is the number of the realm to be set.

The <SECTS> argument is optional; if included, the specified realm will be set to <SECTS>; if omitted the coordinates of the specified realm will be printed.
[##:##] Command : realm 1

Realm 1 is -3:3,3:3

[##:##] Command : realm 1 -3:2,4

[##:##] Command : realm 1

Realm 1 is now set to -3:2,4:4

If the <NUMBER> argument is omitted, the coordinates of all realms will be printed.

Also note that the <SECTS> argument may use the # form of realm specification.
[##:##] Command : realm 0 #1

Now realm 0 is set to -3:2,4:4.

See also : Syntax , nation , Maps