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"On air. On sea. On land. Still the Internet's greatest wargame simulation."

Oakland University Fall Empire 1990

Deity: Carl Petersen IV
Start Date: ??
End Date: December 4, 1990
Code used: BSD ??
Winner(s): Lochett

Original Game Announcement


JUly 7, 1990

It is my pleasure to announce the new game at Oakland University. The critical game data is the following: Looking for 100 players, playing on a 256x256 world, and the market buy/sell is disabled. To those unfamiliar with the OU game, we will be using the hexagonal start island (give ~43 sectors) for each player. All other land will be of the standard Empire random-ness. Send your country-name, your representative (password), and a valid net-address to: with the subject, "Empire".

You will be notified of your registration for this event by email. I now return you to your regularily scheduled conversations...

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Mid-game Updates

Blue coloring on countries in the power charts indicates the eventual winners of the game.

Mid-game update #1

     - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
      as of Tue Oct  9 23:37:27 1990

         sects  eff  civ  mil shell gun  pet iron dust food oil  pln ship money
  Fenwick 210   31%  39K 2.4K   0    0    0  2.7K 550   17K 1.2K   0   30   25K
  Lochett  85   67%  42K 2.3K  50    5    0  4.1K 1.1K 8.8K 1.5K   0   20   10K
     Pern 105   74%  33K 1.3K   0    0    0  4.3K 250   29K 750    0   20   10K
Evil_Empi 102   70%  33K 926   62    9    0  3.1K 1.3K  19K 3.1K   0   18   10K
   Geneva 240   25%  32K 450    0    0    0  3.3K 550  9.5K 650    0   30   15K
Latverria 105   61%  28K 1.1K  12    2    0  3.8K 1.5K  19K 1.8K   0   20   25K
     Ebla 145   43%  28K 1.3K   0    0    0  7.3K 1.1K  14K 1.3K   0   10   10K
   Himmel  90   57%  28K 500    0    0    0  4.2K 1.0K  18K 400    0   20   25K
     Tebe  80   63%  28K 1.5K   0    0    0  1.6K 650   13K 200    0   10   20K
   Tharna 110   41%  25K 1.0K   0    0    0  1.1K 1.0K 8.9K 1.9K   0   30   10K
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 2.6K  50% 783K  43K 125   20    0  122K  21K 436K  26K   0  620  1.0M

I've only included the top 10 countries...the rest is FODDER... }:) although I hope they don't feel upset about that... }:) if they do..well, let'em eat CAKE!!


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Mid-game update #2

     - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
      as of Sat Oct 27 20:08:09 1990

         sects  eff  civ  mil shell gun  pet iron dust food oil  pln ship money
  Fenwick 320   96% 228K  12K 2.4K 205   17K  25K 6.5K 138K  12K  80   70  120K
     Ebla 260   97% 222K  14K 3.5K 505   11K  31K 5.2K 214K  11K 200   60  105K
  Lochett 325   86% 173K 6.8K 4.8K 310   12K  37K 2.2K 108K 8.2K 150   60   75K
     Pern 245   98% 196K 6.7K 1.2K 110  1.4K  33K 2.8K 185K  13K  20   30  225K
   Tharna 240   94% 210K 6.2K 1.5K 315  8.5K  12K 2.2K 222K 6.0K 180   40  125K
Latverria 135   98% 102K 2.0K 2.6K 145  3.1K  36K 1.1K  96K 4.6K  20   30  380K
   Geneva 250   77%  73K 1.8K 575   55  6.5K  22K 1.4K  38K 1.8K   3   40  125K
  Striker 160   86% 122K 5.2K 2.0K 125  4.8K 7.8K 400   74K 1.6K 100   10   25K
Freedonia 125   96% 103K 5.0K 1.1K  20  4.8K  17K 1.6K  68K 4.1K  80   40   50K
  Ferrets 133   97%  91K 5.6K  75   10  330   13K 1.9K  90K 6.7K  23   24   66K
   Himmel 145   93%  81K 4.5K 650   90  7.9K  14K 2.4K  90K 5.1K  30   30   15K
     Tebe 115   95%  88K 5.3K 800   90  3.2K 8.4K 650   49K 800   90   40   15K
    Death 100   94%  91K 6.7K 1.5K 325  1.5K 8.1K 1.1K  85K 1.9K  60   90   35K
Evil_Empi 100   90%  73K 2.8K 1.8K  80  6.2K  21K 150   81K 2.4K  80   40   30K
Berserker  75   92%  59K 2.8K 950  105  1.0K  36K 300   32K 1.5K  40   20   45K
Areopagos  75   95%  54K 2.5K 375   40  2.1K  13K 450   37K 2.3K  30   40   35K
   Gerber  60   86%  41K 2.9K 225    5  400  5.7K 450   24K 1.4K  10   20  170K
  Metzada  65   82%  42K 3.7K 225   20  1.3K 6.4K 750   29K 4.0K  10   30   20K
Metroland  35  100%  33K 1.5K 375   40  450  5.9K 1.4K  25K 1.9K  20   10   10K
  Adlibya  25  100%  18K 1.1K   0    0    0  2.5K 850   16K 200    0   10   10K
grassland  90   37% 9.4K 250    0    0    0    0    0   13K 1.1K   0   20  1.7K
     Zork   5   80% 6.4K 400    0    0    0  3.6K 300   12K 450    0    2  5.0K
 Greyhelm  10   73% 4.0K 350   50    0  1.6K 1.6K  50  2.5K 250    0   10 -4.3K
  Winslow  15    8%  50   40    0    0    0    0    0  400   31    0    1   10K
  Avarice  10   41% 200   19    0    0    0    0    0   50    0    0    5 -6.2K
  Gaullia   0    0%  22    0    0    0    0    0    0  150    0    0   20 -6.8K
    Aegis   1   73% 700    9    0    0    0    0    0  1.0K   0    0    1  2.2K
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 3.1K  90% 2.1M 100K  27K 2.6K  94K 359K  34K 1.7M  92K 1.2K 780  1.6M

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Mid-game update #3


     - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
      as of Wed Oct 31 11:50:09 1990

         sects  eff  civ  mil shell gun  pet iron dust food oil  pln ship money
     Ebla 345   92% 271K  14K 3.5K 625   14K  45K 4.1K 325K  10K 220   60   85K
  Lochett 370   91% 264K 7.4K 7.5K 370   19K  42K 2.7K 133K  13K 120   70  155K
  Fenwick 330   97% 263K  13K 4.0K 205   18K  31K 6.2K 169K  13K 100   50   50K
   Tharna 320   94% 254K 7.8K 3.6K 460   12K  21K 600  313K 6.6K 200   50  170K
     Pern 290   95% 233K 9.3K 1.2K 265  2.4K  40K 2.9K 231K  16K  30   40  295K
   Geneva 280   88% 141K 2.3K 900  150  6.6K  23K 2.0K  65K 2.0K  20   40  245K
Freedonia 160   96% 135K 7.8K 1.6K  20   11K  29K 2.0K  86K 5.8K 130   40  190K
  Ferrets 155   97% 132K 7.3K 348   62  1.2K  14K 1.7K 113K 6.9K  33   25   66K
    Death 135   94% 123K  11K 2.1K 310  4.5K  14K 600  107K 800  120   80   35K
  Striker 185   87% 135K 6.2K 2.5K 195  8.7K  12K 800   88K 2.0K 100   10   10K
Latverria 115   86%  78K 3.4K 2.4K 110  1.5K  37K 1.1K  84K 3.5K  20   20  255K
     Tebe 125   97% 100K 6.0K 1.2K 160  4.3K  11K 1.2K  72K 1.0K  80   50   60K
Berserker  90   96%  69K 3.8K 1.9K 145  1.9K  42K 350   49K 2.0K  50   10   35K
   Gerber  65   91%  46K 4.1K 775   20  1.3K 6.4K 700   31K 2.5K  10   20  180K
Metroland  35   99%  33K 1.7K 400   80  250  8.6K 950   28K 1.9K  30   20   20K
  Metzada  50   77%  27K 1.9K 200   20   39  2.3K   1   28K 3.1K   0   20   15K
Evil_Empi  35   95%  12K 650  950   50  3.3K 3.0K  18   14K 1.1K  20   40  4.8K
grassland 100   46% 9.9K 850    0    0  1.0K   0    0   25K 1.1K   0   20   10K
  Adlibya  15   99%  14K 1.4K   0    0    0  1.7K 850   13K   3    0   10 -319 
     Zork   1   91% 1.0K 400    0    0    0  2.8K 300  9.3K 450    0    2  4.8K
 Greyhelm   4   98% 3.2K 550    0    2  300    0    0   10K 450    0    1 -5.4K
    Aegis   1   91% 1.0K 500    0    0    0    0    0  700    0    0    1 -2.3K
  Avarice   3   61% 100    5    0    0    0    0    0   21    0    0    5  -11K
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 3.2K  91% 2.3M 111K  35K 3.3K 111K 386K  29K 2.0M  93K 1.3K 680  1.8M

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Mid-game update #4


Here, fellow Empire players, is the COMPLETE power-chart for the Oakland University (OU) Fall game. With an initial enrollment of 59 countries, with 55 breaking, the power chart has been reduced to the numbers shown below.

The tech race is picking up, and jet-hvys are now in use. Jet f/b are rumored to exist, and nukes may become a strategic weapon.

Lochett is the favorite in the tech race, mayhaps because everyone else is keeping their tech secret... :-)

Carl, Deity of the OU Fall Game.

     - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
      as of Mon Nov 12 08:05:22 1990

         sects  eff  civ  mil shell gun  pet iron dust food oil  pln ship money
  Lochett 590   99% 564K  10K  17K 1.2K  38K  50K 3.4K 367K  31K 250   50  125K
   Tharna 445   99% 426K 9.2K  12K 1.4K  14K  52K 1.0K 408K 8.9K 310   60  505K
     Ebla 400  100% 393K  16K  13K 1.3K  16K  87K 5.3K 674K 7.2K 280   50   45K
  Fenwick 430   99% 372K  19K 7.3K 515   15K  35K 5.4K 294K  12K 210   60   90K
     Pern 400   98% 327K  14K 4.8K 560  8.6K  81K 3.6K 351K  22K 110   50  135K
   Geneva 410   97% 329K 8.4K 6.3K 1.1K 5.4K  31K 1.3K 188K 4.8K  50   80  440K
    Death 235   91% 194K  17K 6.7K 1.0K 5.9K  21K 1.1K 134K 7.6K 240  120   10K
Freedonia 185   99% 176K 6.3K 5.1K 295   21K  45K 3.8K 141K  11K 120   50   75K
  Striker 200   94% 173K 8.3K 5.5K 430   12K  22K 850  151K 3.5K 150   20   60K
  Ferrets 185   98% 172K  10K 1.4K 225  3.8K  14K 1.6K 178K 5.8K  50   40  105K
Bongoland 155   93% 111K 6.4K 6.4K 360  8.4K  14K 1.5K 129K 3.8K 160   30   20K
   Gerber  65   96%  52K 4.3K 1.8K 105  6.3K 7.3K 700   31K 2.4K  30   30   80K
     Tebe  45   98%  34K 3.8K 225   20  750  5.6K 650   30K 1.6K   3   20   20K
Metroland  25   91%  20K 1.9K 1.6K 125  850  7.5K 150   21K 950   20   30  863 
Evil_Empi   3   97% 1.0K 100  150   35  700    0    0  2.3K   0    0   10 -9.7K
grassland   2   48%  32    5    0    0    0    0    0  100    0    0   10 -7.9K
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 3.8K  97% 3.3M 135K  89K 8.8K 157K 471K  30K 3.1M 122K 2.0K 720  1.6M

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Game Summary


From the Leader of the Country of Striker, I have his recommendations
for closing comments for the OU Fall Game. At the end will be found
a closing Power Chart.

see awards

these are just ideas - need something for Pern -- and Metroland
Rodney of Striker

Final Power Reading from the now Over Game at OU. Long Live the
Glorious Lochett and Tharna.

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Final Power

Blue coloring on countries in the power chart indicates the winners of the game.

     - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
      as of Tue Dec  4 11:59:38 1990

         sects  eff  civ  mil shell gun  pet iron dust food oil  pln ship money
  Lochett 860  100% 841K  15K  59K 6.0K  74K  62K 5.9K 1.1M  22K 530   60  1.1M
   Tharna 715  100% 666K  16K  55K 5.7K  42K  68K  37  644K  11K 540   70  1.4M
  Fenwick 565  100% 447K  20K  23K 1.9K  27K  99K 3.8K 493K  10K 330   80  270K
     Pern 510   98% 430K  25K  29K 2.0K  23K  80K 2.3K 451K  29K 470  170  305K
   Geneva 425  100% 390K 8.4K  14K 820   10K  60K 150  252K 4.7K 110   40  1.6M
Bongoland 210   99% 174K  24K10.0K 615  7.6K  88K 1.3K 216K 6.3K 110   40  240K
     Ebla 265  100% 260K 6.2K 6.1K 540  2.5K  41K 800  348K 1.5K 190   20  110K
  Striker 250   98% 231K  10K  13K 1.5K  11K  16K 1.0K 200K 4.7K 200   20  105K
  Ferrets 185   99% 179K 9.4K 2.4K 170  3.2K  19K 600  329K 3.3K  60   40  255K
   Gerber  40   99%  25K 1.4K 3.3K  70  5.9K  11K 500  8.3K  11   20   30  160K
Metroland  35  100%  34K 800  1.1K 220  500  400    8   42K 1.4K   0    8  310K
 inactive   0    0% 350  400  400   50    0    0    0  1.8K   0    0   40  -36K
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 4.1K  99% 3.7M 137K 216K  20K 205K 545K  16K 4.1M  95K 2.6K 620  5.8M

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Final Report

No final report

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Lochett - This one is obvious - "Lochett's Cemetery" warrents the most Valient Warrier Award.

Ebla - Grace under fire - the "Most attacked Nation Award."

Fenwick - In addition to the Best Winemaker Award he receives the Award for Nuclear Restraint.

Evil - Most Valient Enemy Award.

Death - Most Pernacious Arard.

Tharna - Most Stable Nation Award - Shares the Nuclear Restraint Award.

Geneva - Thrift Award along with the Award for the most Schizoid Lending Policies.

Bongoland - Apprentice Award

Striker - Most Militant Monk's Award.

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No announcements

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