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"On air. On sea. On land. Still the Internet's greatest wargame simulation."

Kent Surprise Empire

Deity: Dan Bennett
Start Date: ??, 1990
End Date: December 12, 1990
Code used: ??
Winner(s): Dorsai

Original Game Announcement

None has been found

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Mid-game Updates

Blue coloring on countries in the power charts indicates the eventual winners of the game.

Last day of game, before and after nuke fest, December 12, 1990

[Editor's Note: This update by one of the winning players. In this update, the power report shows "Metallica". In the deity's final power, that country is Revelstone. It is not known why there is a discrepancy. Revelstone, Dorsai, and Metallica were all players from Georgia Tech. Perhaps there is an explanation behind that.]

Well, as has already been posted to this newsgroup, the game was
ended in a thermonuclear temper tantrum. To get a better perspective on
the havoc, I've included before and after power reports...very enlightening.

One thing that I would like to point out, before people start screaming
at me...abm's are in the game for a reason! I'm not sure what the problem
was, but not a single person took the time to build abm's...except me.
Considering that there are easy ways around the nuke bug, that's no guarantee
against nuclear devastation. Oh, well.

Anyway, here are the before and after power reports.

power >! power.before
     - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
      as of Wed Dec 12 00:38:44 1990

         sects  eff  civ  mil shell gun  pet iron dust food oil  pln ship money
Metallica 625   99% 427K  14K  32K 485  5.4K 146K 3.0K 189K 3.6K  90    2  4.2M
     Zork 520   95% 317K  15K  31K 1.3K 4.0K 138K 5.5K 383K 3.5K  30   30  1.1M
   Dorsai 570  100% 278K 6.3K  24K 2.1K  16K  68K 1.2K 142K 1.8K 361   37  1.3M
 Atlantis 280  100% 138K 3.5K   0    0    0  450  350  153K 250    0    0  6.7M
Trastyriu 240   98% 164K 8.6K 2.6K 180    0  153K 5.4K 156K 3.3K   0    5  1.7M
 Valdorin 175   99% 143K 750  525   40    0   76K  11K 134K 5.2K   1   10  2.3M
Wirikidor 350  100%  46K  50    0    0    0   36K 4.3K  12K 8.8K   0    0  2.3M
      RED 275   98% 158K 6.7K   0    0  8.2K  22K 3.1K  84K 2.1K   8    3  555K
     Wimp 545   99%  36K 100    0    0    0  2.6K   0   15K  12K   0    0  745K
   narnia 195   94%  26K 600  1.2K 110  200   25K 200   26K 750    8   10  1.6M
    Amber 155   99%  49K 2.4K 1.7K 145  150   24K 2.0K  35K 1.1K   1    0  950K
 Quarmall  90   99%  51K 1.0K 3.5K   0  400  3.8K 1.0K  27K   0   20    6  975K
BlackSock 175   87% 100K 3.2K 700  145  1.8K  16K 2.4K  60K 3.2K   0   20   60K
      XOX 150   96%  49K 2.5K 1.4K  40  1.0K 5.8K 1.9K  27K 550    3    7  450K
      TOG  20   94%  11K 1.6K 1.9K 400  800  2.0K 1.9K  14K 2.9K  20    9  165K
Hajetopia 105  100% 5.0K  24    0    0    0  1.9K 1.0K 150  200    0    0  160K
Bongoland  55  100% 1.5K  27    0    0    0    0    0   13    0    0    0   30K
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 4.5K  98% 2.0M  66K 100K 5.0K  38K 721K  44K 1.5M  50K 550  130   25M
power new >! power.after
     - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
      as of Wed Dec 12 02:36:43 1990

         sects  eff  civ  mil shell gun  pet iron dust food oil  pln ship money
Metallica 620   99% 426K  14K  34K 485  5.2K 150K 3.0K 186K 4.2K  90    2  4.5M
   Dorsai 555   98% 260K 5.7K  25K 2.1K  16K  73K 1.2K 138K 1.8K 278   33  1.2M
Wirikidor 260   70%  33K  50    0    0    0   26K 3.5K 8.0K 3.9K   0    0  2.4M
 Atlantis 105   30% 2.5K 150    0    0    0    0  150   15K 250    0    0  3.4M
     Wimp 505   86%  33K 100    0    0    0  2.0K   0   13K 6.8K   0    0  775K
 Quarmall  90   99%  51K 800  3.7K   0  400  3.6K 1.0K  28K   0   20    4  1.0M
   narnia  75   18% 1.7K  50   75   10   28  500    0  1.6K   2    4    4  1.4M
      RED 185   55%  46K 1.5K   0    0  150  4.8K 400   24K 100    8    1  320K
     Zork 100   26% 3.0K 500  1.1K  30    0  800    0  2.5K 100    0   20  1.0M
 Valdorin  30   14%  26   21   12    2    0    0  100  100    7    0    5  1.2M
      TOG  20   95% 8.9K 350  1.4K 380  750  2.0K 1.7K  10K 2.3K  20    8  395K
    Amber  45    6%   0    2    0    0    0    0    0    2    0    0    0  975K
Trastyriu  40    7%   0   37    0    0    0    0    0   27    4    0    2  860K
      XOX  50   10%   0    2    0    0    0    0    0    2    0    0    0  455K
Bongoland  40   44%  50    9    0    0    0    0    0    4    0    0    0   30K
Hajetopia  10    8%   0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0   80K
BlackSock  45   13% 150  200   50   15    0   25    0  600    5    0   10   30K
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 2.8K  75% 864K  23K  65K 3.1K  23K 263K  11K 428K  19K 420   90   20M

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Game Summary

Well I suspect it is time to say that this game is over.

The winners by reason of Global Distruction are

Revelston and Dorsai.

The game will continue to run for a day or so.

Is there any interest in another such game. It appears that
an update every 1/2 hour makes the game last about a week.

I am open to any comments. We have some down time sceduled over
Christmas break and So the game would have some breaks. We also have
promised a Winter game by another deity.

If there is interest I will start another game on Friday. Willing
persons should send name country and rep, along with any preferences
for configuration.

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Final Power

Blue coloring on countries in the power chart indicates the winners of the game.

     - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
      as of Wed Dec 12 10:35:32 1990

         sects  eff  civ  mil shell gun  pet iron dust food oil  pln ship money
Revelston 618   99% 421K  13K  25K 485  5.2K  65K 3.0K 183K 4.8K  92    2  5.0M
   Dorsai 555   98% 259K 4.9K  27K 2.1K  16K  75K 1.2K 143K 1.5K 278   33  1.2M
Wirikidor 242   75%  16K   2    0    0    0   24K 3.2K 7.7K 2.9K   0    0  2.5M
 Atlantis 105   32% 2.6K 127    0    0    0    0  189   13K 331    0    0  3.4M
     Wimp 497   87%  15K 101    0    0    0  2.0K   0  7.4K 4.0K   0    0  861K
 Quarmall  88  100%  50K 776  4.4K   0  401  3.6K 1.0K  28K   0   19    4  1.1M
      TOG  18   96% 8.3K 295  1.1K 369  624    0  1.3K 5.1K   2   24    5  1.1M
     Zork  95   27% 2.1K 321  989   28    0  712    0  4.5K  83    0   17  979K
 Valdorin  24   13%  26   13    6    1    0    0   12  149    4    0    5  1.2M
      RED 167   59%  28K 1.3K   0    0    0  3.8K 337   20K  10    8    1  344K
Trastyriu   5   15%   0    6    0    0    0    0    0   26    4    0    2  859K
      XOX  49   10%   0    2    0    0    0    0    0    2    0    0    0  456K
Bongoland  39   45% 106    3    0    0    0    0    0    2    0    0    0   30K
Hajetopia  11    9%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   81K
BlackSock  43   11% 173  189   59   12    0   24    0  610    5    0   13   21K
    Amber  46    6%   0    2    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0    0  -53 
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 2.6K  80% 802K  22K  59K 3.0K  22K 174K  10K 413K  14K 430   80   19M

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Final Report

Blue coloring on countries in the report indicates the winners of the game.

Wed Dec 12 11:49:35 1990
  #   last access       time	status		 country name
  0   Now logged on     [512]	DEITY    	 POGO
  1  Tue Dec 11 20:00   [410]	Broke    	 Amber
  2   Now logged on     [512]	In flux  	 RED
  3  Tue Dec 11 14:16   [512]	Active   	 Wimp
  4   Now logged on     [436]	Active   	 TOG
  5  Sun Dec  9 12:10   [423]	In flux  	 Hajetopia
  6  Wed Dec 12 09:15   [0]	Visitor  	 narnia
  7  Tue Dec 11 19:53   [475]	Active   	 Quarmall
  8  Tue Dec 11 18:47   [0]	Visitor  	 8
  9  Tue Dec 11 20:42   [512]	In flux  	 XOX
 10  Tue Dec 11 00:54   [0]	Visitor  	 10
 11  Tue Dec 11 01:11   [0]	Visitor  	 11
 12   Now logged on     [510]	Active   	 Dorsai
 13  Sat Dec  8 02:38   [361]	Active   	 Wirikidor
 14  Tue Dec 11 22:46   [463]	Active   	 Zork
 15  Tue Dec 11 16:27   [0]	Visitor  	 Klah
 16  Sat Dec  8 10:34   [0]	Visitor  	 beanery
 17  Wed Dec 12 08:29   [419]	In flux  	 Trastyrium
 18  Wed Dec 12 09:11   [460]	In flux  	 Valdorin
 19  Wed Dec 12 11:34   [506]	DEITY    	 The_Conquerors
 20   Now logged on     [503]	Active   	 Revelstone
 21  Wed Dec 12 02:38   [411]	In flux  	 Atlantis
 22  Wed Dec 12 05:11   [361]	In flux  	 BlackSockia
 23  Mon Dec 10 23:07   [507]	Active   	 Bongoland

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