Havok I
“Scurvy Dogs on the High Seas”
Deity: | Bob Marchese |
Start Date: | October 28, 2003 |
End Date: | December 3, 2003 (36 days) |
Code used: | Wolfpack Empire 4.2.12 |
Winner(s): | SalManilla |
October 23rd, 2003
Some friends of mine have been playing a local game over the last few
months. They been fun, but lately have been a little boring with the
same old Lawnmowers and Fodders. We've discussed opening it up to other
players. The problem is the guy that owns the server wants to play and
he's afraid some people wouldn't want to participate if the deity was
playing. On the other hand, I've been feeling a bit burned out playing
lately but would like to learn a bit about running the server.
With that in mind, I'd like to announce what I hope will be the first in
a series of games, tentatively named Havok 1. You should be aware that
this is my first time as a deity, so be patient. I will have Nick (the
guy that own the server) to help me find my way around Linux (ok, so
what was the command to stop a process again?). I even went so far as to
set up a crude web page so you can see the version info and units:
Nick likes tweaking things, so there are some special units. The game is
currently running with 10 min updates for tests. I will will reset it
every 24H (around 10:00 GMT) for the first few days while I learn how to
run things. Feel free to login, break and check things out. Default
country/reps will be 1/1, 2/2, 3/3 ... 10/10. Server port is and 6665.
Once I get 10 players, we'll set a time for the updates. I belive in
KISS, so no breaks for weekend or holidays. I should make it clear that
this is not a beginners game. While less experienced players are always
encouraged to join, people should understand that expert players will
very likely be in the game and that they will NOT be asked to hold back
as in the newbie games. Having said that, I've learned a lot in the
past getting worked over by good players, and you may too. If you can
keep your civs from starving and know how to put infs on a reserve
mission (did you remember to set the lrange?) this game may be for you.
If you'd like to play, please send mail to b_marchese@yahoo.com with
your preferred county name & rep. Also please let me know if you have a
preference for update times. The two choices are: Evenings on the East
coast US, or 30h. We'd like to have everyone signed up by Sunday and
start the game Monday. Since its mob access, with I plan to enable
updates Tuesday.
Empire 4.2.12 (KSU distribution 1.04, Chainsaw version 4.00, Wolfpack version 2.12) The following parameters have been set for this game: World size is 150 by 90. There can be up to 12 countries. By default, countries use their own coordinate system. An Empire time unit is 10 seconds long. Use the 'update' command to find out the time of the next update. The current time is Wed Oct 22 20:34:08. An update consists of 60 empire time units. Each country is allowed to be logged in 1440 minutes a day. It takes 8.33 civilians to produce a BTU in one time unit. A non-aggi, 100 fertility sector can grow 0.12 food per etu. 1000 civilians will harvest 1.3 food per etu. 1000 civilians will give birth to 5.0 babies per etu. 1000 uncompensated workers will give birth to 2.5 babies. In one time unit, 1000 people eat 0.5 units of food. 1000 babies eat 6.0 units of food becoming adults. Banks pay $260.00 in interest per 1000 gold bars per etu. 1000 civilians generate $8.13, uncompensated workers $1.80 each time unit. 1000 active military cost $80.33, reserves cost $4.02. Happiness p.e. requires 1 happy stroller per 10000 civ. Education p.e. requires 1 class of graduates per 10000 civ. Happiness is averaged over 48 time units. Education is averaged over 192 time units. The technology/research boost you get from the world is 50.00%. Nation levels (tech etc.) decline 1% every 96 time units. Tech Buildup is limited to logarithmic growth (base 3.00) after 1.00. Sectors Ships Planes Units Maximum mobility 127 127 127 127 Max mob gain per update 60 90 60 60 Max eff gain per update -- 100 100 100 Ships on autonavigation may use 6 cargo holds per ship. Trade-ships that go at least 4 sectors get a return of 4.5% per sector. Trade-ships that go at least 8 sectors get a return of 5.5% per sector. Trade-ships that go at least 14 sectors get a return of 8.0% per sector. Cashing in trade-ships with an ally nets you a 30.0% bonus. Cashing in trade-ships with an ally nets your ally a 20.0% bonus. The tax you pay on selling things on the trading block is 10.0% The tax you pay on buying commodities on the market is 10.0% Fire ranges are scaled by 1.00 Options enabled in this game: ALL_BLEED, BRIDGETOWERS, DEMANDUPDATE, EASY_BRIDGES, FALLOUT, GODNEWS, GO_RENEW, INTERDICT_ATT, LANDSPIES, LOANS, MARKET, MOB_ACCESS, NEUTRON, NEW_STARVE, NEW_WORK, NEWPOWER, NOMOBCOST, NUKEFAILDETONATE, ORBIT, PINPOINTMISSILE, PLANENAMES, SAIL, SHIPNAMES, SHOWPLANE, TECH_POP, TRADESHIPS, TREATIES, UPDATESCHED Options disabled in this game: BIG_CITY, BLITZ, DEFENSE_INFRA, DRNUKE, FUEL, GRAB_THINGS, HIDDEN, LOSE_CONTACT, NO_FORT_FIRE, NO_HCMS, NO_LCMS, NO_OIL, NO_PLAGUE, NOFOOD, NONUKES, RES_POP, SHIP_DECAY, SLOW_WAR, SNEAK_ATTACK, SUPER_BARS, "info Options" for a detailed list of options and descriptions The person to annoy if something goes wrong is: Bob Marchese (b_marchese@yahoo.com). You can get your own copy of the source using: ftp://ftp.wolfpackempire.com/pub/empire/server or http://www.wolfpackempire.com/
No mid-game updates.
The game had a few additional low tech units, like pikemen and
observation balloons, and a super battleship. Ships in general were
more expensive than normal, the idea being that this would slow the
game down a bit by limiting sea power.
Except for the sanctuaries, all sectors had 5 deity military and some
uws. No chance to conquer the twenty sector expansion islands with
just an understaffed exploration frigate. Each island had a mountain,
and explorers often captured bits of dust there. If they survived the
A dispute over one of these islands escalated into full scale war
between nuke_em and SalManilla. nuke_em lead an alliance with
Fodderton and Minimax against the evil germ monger, but they didn't
last long. SalManilla scored a cap sack on Fodderton, and Minimax
(now a replacement player) just folded. SalManilla declared victory,
and no one disputed it.
Blue coloring on countries in the power chart indicates the winners of the game.
- = [ Empire Power Report ] = -
as of Wed Dec 3 07:06:59 2003
sects eff civ mil shell gun pet iron dust oil pln ship unit money
SalManill 188 100% 172K 7.1K 6.3K 982 7.5K 15K 1.0K 7.3K 167 150 80 37K
Wicked 90 95% 63K 6.6K 4.8K 462 4.6K 27K 860 17K 63 43 49 124K
nuke_em 82 100% 75K 3.7K 2.4K 419 2.3K 9.5K 519 1.5K 53 45 31 25K
Fodderton 1 100% 99 25 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 17K
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 395 98% 312K 19K 14K 1.9K 16K 60K 2.6K 26K 280 240 160 -79K
Blue coloring on countries in the report indicates the winners of the game.
Wed Dec 3 07:07:03 2003
# name tech research education happiness capital
0 POGO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,0
1 nuke_em 146.92 121.18 24.44 21.51 -17,9
2 Minimax 104.28 40.77 0.81 0.00 11,29
3 Wicked 155.96 112.55 33.48 10.33 -49,21
4 SalManilla 156.26 107.03 22.86 14.62 46,-6
5 Fodderton 120.10 67.92 2.63 0.00 3,-15
6 visitor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,0
> Announcement from SalManilla, (#4) dated Fri Nov 28 10:19:10 2003
I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving, and was sure to cook
their turkeys to an internal temperature of 170`F to kill the
potential Salmonilla toxins which could be lurking inside.
> Announcement from visitor, (#6) dated Sun Nov 30 15:22:05 2003
Is this game going to run again? Since it was called HavokI I was hoping
to find out if anyone knew....
looking for a longterm game.
> Announcement from nuke_em, (#1) dated Sun Nov 30 18:57:43 2003
I think this game is about over I think. I figure a week or so after that a new game will start up (or possibly 2).
> Announcement from SalManilla, (#4) dated Sun Nov 30 19:07:39 2003
The country of SalManilla has noticed that the rogue nation
of Wicked has begun experimenting with biological warfare,
in the form of BLACK PLAGUE!
We will not stand for this, and DEMAND that research in such
bioagents stop immediately.
> Announcement from nuke_em, (#1) dated Sun Nov 30 19:09:43 2003
You want Wicked to research how to get rid of you?
> Announcement from POGO, (#0) dated Mon Dec 1 09:13:48 2003
Greetings everyone. I hope no one else caught Samanilla due
to underdone Turkey.
It looks like the game is winding donw with only a few viable
nations left. I plan to let it runs its course like a bad
viral infection.
But its not to early to begin thinking about the next game.
I'm still working out the details (mostly involving fairland
tweeks) for the next game, but the idea is this: You get to
plan you own country get. During the sign up period
perspective players will be given the rought statssuch as
35 -, 5 ^, and 10 ~ sectors and you get to layout your island.
resources will probably be flat otherwise the problem is
to difficult. I will place them in a random world with islands
and other surprises. And no one complains if the cap is 2 sectors
from the coast or you have 75% coa=1.
Lokk for it in a few weeks...
- Bob M
> Announcement from SalManilla, (#4) dated Mon Dec 1 12:47:52 2003
ok, without further procrastination, I am hereby declaring
any viable countries with +$ and more than 4 sectors are welcome
to dispute my claim.
have a nice day.
> Announcement from SalManilla, (#4) dated Mon Dec 1 19:43:40 2003
if anyone needs further PROOF of my worldy dominance... I now have
JF1's.... and I can prove it.... see `trade'....
> Announcement from Wicked, (#3) dated Tue Dec 2 10:03:12 2003
I concede the victory.
> Announcement from nuke_em, (#1) dated Tue Dec 2 13:34:27 2003
Same here...
> Announcement from POGO, (#0) dated Wed Dec 3 07:12:53 2003
Ok folks it looks like that its for Havok I. COngratulations
all around to SalManilla for a well played match. And thanks
to all the players who participated. I hope you all learned
something from this game. I know I as a first time deity did.
I'll leave the game up a few more days with updates disabled.
I should have the new server built and ready for some Havok II
test blitzes by the end of this weekend.
Bob Marchese
No awards