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"On air. On sea. On land. Still the Internet's greatest wargame simulation."

Coliseum I

Deity: Melissa Merrill
Start Date: March 11, 1992
End Date: May 1, 1992 (51 days)
Code used: KSU 1.04
Winner(s): Temekula

Original Game Announcement


March 7, 1992

Hello empire world. This is going to be my first and hopefully
a good attempt at being a diety. I have set up a small
game, and it will require app. 12 players. There have been a
few things added/taken out to hopefully enhance game play.

I know this is going to be my first real game being diety, so I will most probaly make a mistake or 2, so please remeber that when you are signing up. I will do my best to make this a very exciting and fun game. So if you are interested in playing in this game , please send mail to this account. Please, only send mail if you plan on playing a serious game, and breaking. I dont want to have any countries not break, or decide that after one week, they are going to be out. I only want serious players, who plan on playing the game to its completion, or their completion. Only serious countries need apply, so please, I will accept the first 12 applicants. As for the start time, please email me when you would like the game to start, as this may be flexible. Once we get enough players though, we will most probaly start very soon after I receive 12 registrations.

And now for the version,

BSD Empire 1.1 patch level 5 (KSU distribution 1.04)

The following parameters have been set for this game:
World size is 64 by 32.
There can be up to 30 countries.
By default, countries use their own coordinate system.

An Empire time unit is 2250 seconds long.
The next update is at Fri Mar  6 12:00:00.
The current time is Fri Mar  6 00:36:04.
An update consists of 32 empire time units.
Each country is allowed to be logged in 1500 minutes a day.
It takes 25.00 civilians to produce a BTU in one time unit.

A non-aggi, 100 fertility sector can grow 0.12 food per etu.
1000 civilians will harvest 1.3 food per etu.
1000 civilians will give birth to 5.0 babies per etu.
1000 uncompensated workers will give birth to 2.5 babies.
In one time unit, 1000 people eat 1 units of food.
1000 babies eat 12 units of food becoming adults.

Banks pay $250.00 in interest per 1000 gold bars per etu.
1000 civilians generate $8.33, uncompensated workers $3.78 each time unit.
1000 active military cost $83.33, reserves cost $8.33.

Happiness p.e. requires 1 happy stroller per 5000 civ.
Education p.e. requires 1 class of graduates per 4000 civ.
Happiness is averaged over 96 time units.
Education is averaged over 288 time units.
The technology/research boost you get from your allies is 1.56%.
Nation levels (tech etc.) decline 1% every 96 time units.
Tech Buildup is limited to logrithmic growth (base 3.00).

Options enabled in this game:

The person to annoy if something goes wrong is Melissa C Merrill
You can get your own copy of the source by ftp'ing to

So , if you want to try a game without jets, sort of a post WWI and pre WWII, please send me a mail message , with a header of registration or something to that effect. Also include a country name and a rep.

ps- If you are only going to complain that I am doing something wrong or any kind of flames, please dont, this is my first attempt and any critism should be only constructive.

Caeser M.

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Mid-game Updates

Blue coloring on countries in the power charts indicates the eventual winners of the game.

One week after start, March 18, 1992


Status of the Coliseum I game.

The game started on Wedsnesday March 11th, so it has been up for one week. Kenaitze jumped early in the number one spot, and held it for approx. the first 5 days, then yielding to Temekula. Temekula currently leads the power chart, and he also made the first boats. Small navies have appeared in the world and education is begininng to be made. Temekula was also the first to launch an attack, attacking the nation of Haven, taking a few sectors. With the world being so small, wars are bound to break out soon, and we'll keep you posted.

Heres the power chart from the game.....

     - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
      as of Wed Mar 18 10:39:00 1992

         sects  eff  civ  mil shell gun  pet iron dust food oil  pln ship money
 Temekula  40   26% 3.8K 150    0    0    0  850  100  600   44    0    2   25K
   Gondar  40   32% 3.9K  35    0    0    0  300   50  1.9K  42    0    0   25K
 Ministry  40   24% 3.9K 100    0    0    0  150  250  1.2K  40    0    2   25K
 Kenaitze  40   27% 4.0K  25    0    0    0  350   19  600  200    0    0   25K
   Wistra  40   19% 3.8K 100    0    0    0  700  100  900  300    0    1   25K
    Haven  35   24% 4.0K   0    0    0    0  500  100  1.1K 300    0    0   25K
  Ansalon  40   18% 4.0K   0    0    0    0  200  300  700  350    0    1   25K
  Valinor  40   24% 3.8K  50    0    0    0  250  250  900   50    0    0   20K
  Nautava  40   26% 2.6K 100    0    0    0  150   21  600    0    0    0   25K
 Darklore  35   19% 2.8K  50    0    0    0  1.0K 200  650  150    0    0   25K
Jelomould  40   17% 3.0K 100    0    0    0  450    0  600    0    0    0   25K
  Metzada  40   14% 3.4K  50    0    0    0  100  100  1.1K  16    0    1   25K
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 475   22%  43K 750    0    0    0  5.0K 1.5K  11K 1.4K   0    7  290K

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Two weeks after start, March 27, 1992


Empire World,

Week 2 of the Coliseum is going very well. Darklore looks to be the first victim, as he was attacked by Ansalon, and then Wistra moved in the the heat of battle and took his capital. Wether this made Ansalon mad or not, it didnt matter, as Darklore
made a new capitol, then Ansalon took it. Most nations are starting to make significant gains in technology and Kenaitze looks to be the forerunner in tech advancement. Who will be next to fall in the Coliseum? Ill keep you posted.

     - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
      as of Fri Mar 27 07:24:27 1992

         sects  eff  civ  mil shell gun  pet iron dust food oil  pln ship money
  Ansalon  75   61%  21K 150    0    0    0  1.0K 1.0K 8.3K 1.1K   0    2   25K
   Gondar  45   80%  19K 700    0    0    0  1.9K 250  3.7K 100    0    4   30K
 Temekula  60   63%  19K 700    0    0    0  1.4K 250  6.7K 200    0    6   20K
 Kenaitze  45   80%  19K 450    0    0    0  950  450  5.4K 200    0    6   10K
 Ministry  50   55%  17K 550    0    0    0  1.1K 900  8.4K 300    0    2   25K
    Haven  40   91%  16K 450    0    0    0  750  500  1.9K 200    0    0   20K
  Metzada  40   72%  16K 200    0    0    0  1.4K 200  5.0K 250    0    1   30K
   Wistra  35   74%  16K 150    0    0    0  1.1K 350  6.3K 100    0    2   40K
  Valinor  40   61%  14K 150    0    0    0  750  200  1.2K 100    0    2   20K
  Nautava  30   65% 5.0K  48    0    0    0  300   24  4.1K 150    0    0   30K
Jelomould  35   46% 5.0K 300    0    0    0  1.1K   0  2.7K  14    0    0   30K
 Darklore   5   56% 750   40    0    0    0  750   10   12   50    0    0  5.0K
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 500   67% 168K 3.9K   0    0    0   13K 4.1K  54K 2.8K   0   30  285K

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Three weeks after start, Apri 3, 1992


The Coliseum rumbles on....

Alot has come to pass since our last look into the Teran Coliseum. Kenaitze, having to return to his social life and work looked for a replacement and found EVIL_EMPIRE. Sometime on Saturday the "Most Evil" leader took control of the country, promptly renamed the government, most of the ships, and began military actions in the small world. First target for EVIL, was the nieghboring country of Jelomould. Actions today are winding down as EVIL_EMPIRE was the first nation to make guns and shells. EVIL was also the first to use his guns and shells in military action. The EVIL gunners were lobbing thier shells over onto Jelomould as fast as the workers were making them.

Ansalon completed his take over of Darklore, finishing over the last pockets of resistance a few days ago. Temekula also began scooping up land at the expense of Nautava. Temekulan soliders are continuing to sweep across the land capturing land and raw materials as they march toward the other side of Nautava's country. In other related news, Ansalon is reported as having a "Golden Age" as his people are the happiest, enjoying their BMW's and their VCR's. Valinorians are the most educated in the realm, as the average Vailnorian citizen goes to higher education by the age of 14. And as the world knows, EVIL_EMPIREian scientists are currently make powder and guns, and are reportedly testing small wooden contraptions that supposedly fly on their own power. We'll keep you posted.

     - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
      as of Fri Apr  3 06:54:13 1992

         sects  eff  civ  mil shell gun  pet iron dust food oil  pln ship money
 Temekula  85   86%  46K 2.4K   0    0    0  3.6K 1.1K  21K 850    0   40   55K
  Ansalon  95   72%  50K 1.2K   0    0    0  3.0K 1.6K  18K 1.9K   0    5   70K
EVIL_EMPI  85   71%  42K 2.7K 400   25    0  4.1K 300  9.8K 1.2K   0   10   20K
    Haven  45   91%  41K 1.8K   0    0    0  4.8K 100  9.4K 600    0   10   25K
  Metzada  40   93%  38K 1.6K   0    0    0  3.8K 550  6.5K 1.9K   0    5   45K
   Wistra  40   95%  39K 850   25    2    0  2.6K 500   13K 1.1K   0    9   35K
   Gondar  40   98%  36K 850    0    0    0  3.0K 350  9.2K 650    0    3   35K
  Valinor  40   88%  29K 950    0    0    0  700  150  2.2K 850    0    7   30K
 Ministry  20   92%  15K 100    0    0    0  3.0K 350  4.0K 800    0    0   25K
  Nautava   5   62% 1.6K 150    0    0    0    1    0  1.4K 300    0    0   10K
Jelomould   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  5.0K
 Darklore   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  2.4K
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 500   84% 338K  12K 425   25    0   29K 5.0K  95K  10K   0   90  350K

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Six weeks after start, April 21, 1992


Welcome to the Coliseum I. The game continues. Temekula has made big gains and leads the power chart. Evil Empire has said his country is going defensive and that no amount of pounding or attacking from Temekula will EVER get into his country and he invites all nations to try. A few other nations have fallen out with 0 or near 0 sectors, taken over by Temekula, or Evil Empire. A few nations remain, and the game will end when a general winner is declared by the players. Here is the Power report as of this morning. I'll keep you informed.

     - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
      as of Tue Apr 21 06:41:57 1992

         sects  eff  civ  mil shell gun  pet iron dust food oil  pln ship money
 Temekula 175   94% 108K 6.3K 3.5K 420  5.5K  15K 250   53K 2.1K 140   20   10K
EVIL_EMPI 120   91%  88K 4.7K 2.7K 295  4.6K  15K   6   42K 2.9K 130    8   20K
   Gondar  60   93%  53K 3.1K 875  200  4.2K 6.5K 250   21K 1.0K  30   10   15K
  Valinor  50   98%  42K 3.0K 1.6K 180  1.2K 4.5K  50   14K 550   40   10   25K
   Wistra  40   97%  39K 3.1K 700  115  2.8K 700  500   12K 550   40   10  5.0K
  Ansalon  40   88%  24K 700  575   60  300  3.9K 600  6.2K 700   40    6   15K
    Haven  10   99% 1.9K 150   75    0    0  1.6K   0  250    0    0    4   15K
 Ministry   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   40K
  Metzada   2   59% 200   21    2    0    2    2    0   50    0    0    0   10K
Jelomould   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  5.0K
  Nautava   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  1.8K
 Darklore   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1 
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 500   94% 356K  21K  10K 1.3K  19K  47K 1.6K 149K 7.8K 430   80  165K

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Game Summary


Well, This announcement brings to a close the first Coliseum game, which TEMEKULA has won. His alliance brought down the country of Evil Empire, and Temekula went on to become the powerhouse of the coliseum. The game had some interesting limitations/enhancements to it. it had a max tech of 60, so planes were limited to only fighter 1's, lt bomber 1's, & transport 1's. Ships were enhanced a bit, and they included battleships,aircraft carriers, and landing ships at tech 40 & 45. 12 countries started the game, and most fell to 0 sectors in the last days on the Coliseum. With limited gun ranges and limited radar ranges, battles were bloody and fierce. Congratulations to Temekula, and his allies who helped him win the game. Great game.

Alternate game summary (provided by Jason Duelge (source)):

The Coliseum game has ended. I think it has been about 5 weeks of
play, with updates every 20 hours. The deity, TOG, did a fine job,
we had no real bug problem, and hardly a moment of down time. Some
slow net connections, but these are endemic to internet.

Twelve brave souls entered the coliseum. The world was 32x32, with
about 500 sectors of land. Each person had a 40 sector start island,
and some 1, 2 and 3 sector islands were scattered about. The only way
to make any real land increase was to take from a neighbor.

This game had some special characteristics. First was the tech limit.
tech of 60 was the max attainable, and with logbase3 tech, with no easy,
tech growth was slow for most. The goal was a world war 1 style of game,
sopwiths dueling over the little nations. Certain ship techs were lowered,
so we had carriers and landing ships. Also, bridges were impossible to
make, and the start islands had at least two sectors between them. Since
guns at tech <60 only fire 2 sectors, home islands were safe from fort

11 people broke on time. Metzada broke an update late. Temekula had the
first ship, Darklore had the first edu. I don't recall who had the FIRST
tech, but Kenaitze had the tech lead from near to the beginning.

Plainsboro quit relatively early, and was replaced by Nautava.

Some of the early fights pitted Ministry vs Jelomould, Ansalon vs Darklore
and Temekula vs Haven. Jelomould and Haven were able to fight off their
attackers, but Darklore succumbed to Ansalon. The next batch of combat
saw Temekula taking over Nautava and EVIL_EMPIRE (after replacing Kenaitze)
taking over Jelomould. Jelo fought to the last, but EVIL artillery was
telling in that battle. Nautava logged in twice during the Temekulan attack,
which proved insufficient to fend them off.

The first big attack of the game saw EVIL mounting a large campaign against
the Ansalonian home island. This attack wasn't exactly a suprise, as EVIL
had the first (and only at the time of the attack) planes. It was just a
matter of who. Ansalon fought fiercely, aided surrepticiously by Temekulan
guns, shells and military. Despite having no planes for several days and
having his dist center bombed Ansalon kept fighting on his home soil for
about a week. Eventually he succumbed and found himself residing on the
recently acquired (and lightly populated) Darklore island.

At the same time the forces of Ansalon and Haven began fighting over
Ministry's island. Ministry seemed unable to play, and the vultures were
quick to the carcass. Ansalon offered to share the island with Temekula,
and a battle of two against one ensued. Ansalon was forced to retire
from the conflict when EVIL struck, but Temekula eventually won the island,
using greater numbers of guns and shells to eliminate the bulk of Haven's
forces. Haven's sporadic update ability also proved telling.

It was at about this time that sides started to form. When EVIL joined
the game he was all bluster and braggadacio. (Isn't he always!). He
immediately declared hostile towards everyone. He also proclaimed that
with his enourmous tech lead he would soon rule the world, and have everyone
kneeling at his feet (or words to that effect. :))

During the Ansalon campaign, things looked bleak indeed. The nations of
Metzada and Haven sided with the EVIL one, and Metzada and EVIL made attacks
against Ansalon's positions on the Darklore island. On the other side, though,
another coalition was forming. The core of Temekula and Ansalon was joined
by Valinor and Gondar. While Ansalon was being pounded Temekula was taking
Ministry land and supplying Ansalon with shells, guns, military and even
civs. Valinor and Gondar were moving to plane tech and planning attacks
against the home islands of Haven and Metzada, respectively. When Ministry
was completely absorbed, and the bulk of the EVIL alliances ships sunk, the
allies struck. Valinor and Temekula attacked Haven, splitting his island
in two. They had the fortune of Haven's absence (later explained as a real
world problem), and took the island with little trouble. A few days after
that started, Temekula (and later Gondar) invaded Metzada. Metzada fought
hard, making the updates and building planes as he could afford them. The
battle was lopsided, however, as Temekula was three times the size and had
more planes, ships, and military hardware. Gondar's well placed and executed
attack ended resistance.

EVIL had been pretty quiet when his allies fell. His only actions after
ending his attacks on Ansalon were two late attacks against an absent
Temekula. Each gained a few sectors and destroyed some planes, but neither
held enough 'thickness' of land, and the sectors were taken back. At this
point the world looked like this ...

Temekula with 3 and two half islands. Ansalon with 1 island. Gondar and
Valinor each with 1 and a half islands. EVIL had 3 islands. Temekula had
sat atop the power chart for several weeks, despite EVIL's 'i'll be there'
claim, and had more planes, ships, shells, guns, mil, than EVIL. With the
allied forces, EVIL's army was more than doubled.

When the last Metzada sector had been taken, Temekula informed the EVIL
one that his time had come, and even gave him a one week notice. To this
the EVIL one replied 'I'm going into defensive mode. Overlapping aircover.
Overlapping forts. Tedrick lost 600 planes against me once, and you guys
aren't going to get anywhere. You won't even break my aircover.'
When the time of the attack came, it was a fine thursday evening. Temekula
logged in and began the laborious process of stripping aircover. EVIL was
on at the time, and some pleasant banter accompanied the recon missions.
Eventually, though, the EVIL one decided to go to bed. At this point, the
Temekulan aircraft carrier sailed to the EVIL one's coast, and the air
stripping began in earnest, with more sectors in each recon mission. After
60 fighters (i counted), the EVIL airforce was down (in areas). Careful
pinbombing of fort guns, and landing ships with mil secured some coastal
forts. Transports resupplied, and shelling began. The fighting lasted till
about 3am Temekula time (4 hours after the attack started), with Temekula
holding about 15 sectors on two beachheads...with thickness.

When EVIL logged in, he replied with 'You won't HOLD the sectors'.
However, the alliance was now attacking too...and the EVIL budget couldn't
afford it. His aircover against Temekula NEVER recovered, and Temekula
continued to expand his holdings over the next few days. It all ended on
sunday morning when EVIL informed the world that he had to leave for Dallas
and couldn't continue the fight. It was over before then, however, as the
EVIL one had lost 60 of 150 planes (the remaining 90 largely inneficient),
over half his mil, about half his guns and shells, and 30 of his 120 sectors.
Ansalon, Valinor and Gondar were all taking part in the attack, and two
updates after his announcement his lands were all gone. Temekula took two
of the islands and the allies split the last one.

Sorry for the enourmous length, but it is rare for games to end, and even
rarer that anyone posts about them. I've tried to be as complete as i
could be, painting the history of the game, but even now i can think of
things i've forgotter. Like Wistra. Or Ansalon's hidded capital. Or
the fun 'trivia questions' TOG gave us, or the aborted hunt for red october.
No matter. I will end this with the final power chart (after mopping the
EVIL one up) and let you continue your news reading.

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Final Power

Blue coloring on countries in the power chart indicates the winners of the game.

     - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
      as of Fri May  1 21:21:28 1992

         sects  eff  civ  mil shell gun  pet iron dust food oil  pln ship money
 Temekula 260   96% 178K 6.9K 9.9K 1.4K 8.1K  23K 1.2K 128K 1.7K 226   11  188K
   Gondar  69   94%  63K 3.7K 1.3K 372  5.0K 7.5K 239   30K 746   33   11   27K
  Valinor  77   82%  46K 2.1K 761   86  2.2K10.0K  63  7.2K 611   52   10  2.8K
  Ansalon  69   90%  49K 2.2K 1.7K 230  3.4K 6.7K 354   18K 911   45    4   14K
   Wistra  23   97% 3.5K 1.0K 453   71  2.3K   1  134  875  627   22    8 -764 
 Ministry   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   38K
  Metzada   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   24K
    Haven   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   14K
Jelomould   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  6.2K
EVIL_EMPI   0    0%   0   20   25    2    0    0    0   76    0    0    1  2.9K
  Nautava   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  1.8K
 Darklore   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1 
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 500   93% 339K  16K  14K 2.1K  21K  47K 1.9K 184K 4.5K 380   50  320K

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Final Report

Blue coloring on countries in the report indicates the winners of the game.

 #    name             tech     research    education happiness cap-location
 0     TOG                9.48      0.70        0.00       0.00  0,0
 1     Gondar            54.67      0.99       17.80      16.99  -5,11
 2     Temekula          59.41      6.15        6.98      18.80  -11,-3
 3     Nautava           11.27      0.91        0.02       0.00  12,14
 4     Darklore           8.36      0.41        0.10       0.00  -3,1
 5     Jelomould          9.70      0.81        0.00       0.00  18,-12
 6     Ministry          16.77      0.41        0.42       0.00  22,-6
 7     Ansalon           56.04      0.70       15.48      26.83  -24,-4
 8     Valinor           55.64      0.96        7.70       7.72  19,3
 9     EVIL_EMPIRE       54.36      0.69        1.38       0.00  -28,10
 10    Wistra            54.11      0.41       10.60       0.31  -14,6
 11    Haven             45.24      1.07        1.79       0.00  4,-6
 12    Metzada           42.72      0.69        2.28       0.00  -11,-13
 13    Visitor           10.41      1.12        0.00       0.00  0,0
 29    UpCheck           11.40      1.14        0.00       0.00  0,0

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Final Map

 -16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f . . . . . . . + + g + + + .  -16 
 -15  b . a a + . . * . . . . . . o a h % . . . . . . + ^ + + + + . . -15 
 -14 . + + + + . . . + + + + + h + + + + * . . . . . . + + . . . a .  -14 
 -13  ^ + + + . . . . d m m ^ + + . . . . . . . . a . . + a . . . . . -13 
 -12 + + + + + + + . . j + m m . . . . . . . + . . f . * + . . . . .  -12 
 -11  + + + ^ + + . . k ^ + + . . . m . . c c + . f . . . . . + + + + -11 
 -10 a . . . + * a . . j + k . . k * + j b + m . . . . . . . + + + +  -10 
  -9  . . . . . . . . i + a . . + + + + g + + h . . . . h . . . + + . -9  
  -8 . . m . . . . . * b . . . a ^ m k + a + ^ . . . . a % . . . + .  -8  
  -7  ) + * t . . . h . . . a . . . . + m + + . . . d + * a a . . . . -7  
  -6 . a + e k . . . . . * . . . . . . i + h . . i . . + m + k . . .  -6  
  -5  . h + + o . . a . . t . . i j . . + * . . a + + + b ^ + k . . . -5  
  -4 . % + ^ c a . . . . k ^ k a b a . . + . . . ^ i + c m + k . . .  -4  
  -3  . a + ^ + h . . . k c + + + + . . . + ) . . . . + + m + + . . . -3  
  -2 . . + + + p . . a + + + m m . k . . . . . . . . j j + + . m . .  -2  
  -1  b g m m . . . d + m m + . . f . . . f . . * . . . . * m . . a . -1  
   0 l + + j . . . . i ^ m + + j . . . b . a . % m . . . . . . . f .  0   
   1  ) * + h . . . . . a + k j . . . . a . . . a + + m . . . . . . . 1   
   2 . . f . . . a . . . m . . . . . . . f . . . k ^ + j m j t p j .  2   
   3  . . . . . + + l . . . . . . % . . . . . . e e a + c m e b d . . 3   
   4 . a f . + + + + + . . . a p ^ k . . . . . . . . . + + ^ + + . .  4   
   5  . . . . . + + m + g t m + + + * . f a . . . . . . m + + f + . . 5   
   6 . . . . . . . j ^ c + + + i b . . . * . a + d a . . . j * i h m  6   
   7  . + + + . . . j + + k d . . . . . . . a ^ + b i . . . . . . . . 7   
   8 . + + + + + . . f . . . . . . . t . . . ! k + + g a . . . . . .  8   
   9  . f f f f . . ) . . . . . j k ^ % d . . . * m + j . . . . . h + 9   
  10 + f + + f . . . . . f . m + + + + e ) . . k m m + . . . + . . +  10  
  11  + ^ b + f . . . . . a * + c m m . . . . k + + + . . + * + . . + 11  
  12 a * b + ^ f h . . . . ^ + e m k . . . . . + p + f . . + + . . .  12  
  13  h f + f . . . . . . ) j + + i . . ) . . + ^ g m . . + + ^ + . . 13  
  14 . ) + a . . f a h . f b k h a p . a . . l a % h . . + + + + b .  14  
  15  . . . . . . . . . l j m m . . . . . . f . . . . . a + + + + + . 15  

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