
Here you will find links to other Empire related pages.

If you have any Empire related links you would like to see on this page, just drop us a note at and we'll put it up ASAP.


Thanks to all of our mirror sites and admins for supporting us!

The Python/Tk Empire Interface.
PTKei Empire Client - a GUI cross-platform client, written by Bernhard Reiter and Kevin O'Connor. is the discussion group for Empire. You can find out lots of useful information by posting to this Usenet newsgroup.

TechRev Empire Server
A site created by the_lord_chris which is a gateway to a series of games run by him and contains also some of newbie help

The Empire Site
Bob Dalton's most informative site at . Especially recommended for newbies and users of Microsoft software. Contains its own FAQs compiled by Bob and many other HOWTOs.

Help For New Empire Players
site dedicated for the very newbie Empire players created by Onda. We think it's very very useful

Mausoleum Empire Entertainment
Created and maintained by Roman M. Parparov hosting pages of his own Empire Invitational Series, some Empire history and future Empire projects. Most recommendable for the advanced players.

The Empire Hall of Fame
The Suboceana Empire Hall of Fame - You've seen the rest, now check out the best.

"In an action of unparalleled insanity, the Elven-King today ordered the continent of Fleer to withdraw from Elven territorial waters immediately.

After waiting the customary forty-two seconds and seeing that the continent had defied the High King's decree, naval action was of course ordered.

The continent, of very solid construction, withstood multiple torpedoings and bombings. Reportedly, marines are having better success at boarding. Marine officers expect to scuttle the continent later tonight."

- Mirkwood

If you have other links relating to Empire, let us know, and they will appear here.

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Maintained by Roman M. Parparov.
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