Twisted Mind IV

This game was run by Pat Loney (Overlord).

Twisted Mind IV is fianlly over. 22 players started the game and in the end MunchMunch (aka Lord Corwin, AKA Amber) came out victorius with ^^^ getting the co-winners slot. By games end there were only 7 viable countries left. Most interesting was the MunchMunch had the lowest tech level of the seven and Arrakis, the 7th placed country, had the highest.

Anyway, notes and comments of the setup. First, I gave everybody 10k civs to start, but put the civ growth at 20% the normal. Okay, that was a bit low but the normal rate is way too fast in my opinion. The big game will probably be 60% normal. The only other major setup difference was the land layout. The map below is a screen grab of what a portion of it looked like near the end of the game.

  -5  . . . . . . . = . .  -5  
  -4 . * = h = + . d . a . -4  
  -3  = . . . . = = . . =  -3  
  -2 . f . o . h . + = j = -2  
  -1  . . . = = . = . . .  -1  
   0 . k = f = c = a . * . 0   
   1  = . . = = . = . = .  1   
   2 . e . ) . + = + = + . 2   
   3  . . . . . . = . . .  3   
   4 = f . f . + . + = ) = 4   
   5  . . . = . = = = . =  5   

As you can see, lots of bridges connecting the single islands. (btw, bridges only cost $500). The players really seemed to love this island type setup and we should note that for future refence.

the final blow in the game came when MunchMunch attacked Oktoberfest who was at the top of the powerchart at the time (if I recall correctly). Prior to that, the game ahd kinda stalled as only Ski and Arrakis were trading bullets, hardware, and insults. During this was Ski had the upper hand until Mongol_Horde came in to support Arrakis. Sadly for them they only managed to get the gains from that one attack and after that, the trenches went up.

The last couple updates saw a couple of the smaller nukes get tossed around but with people having no cash (did I mention that civ tax rate was 2x but bars didn't pay anything?) there was not much money to buy the atomic devices. and let's face it, those tiny 1st generation nukes don't do too much damage.

So the game is over. Congrates to MunchMunch and ^^^. Now everybody get off your butt and sign up for The Big Game.

Pat, AKA Overlord

Anyway, the goodies report.

- = [ Empire Power Report ] = -
as of Tue Apr 13 07:48:07 1999
sects eff civ mil shell gun pet iron dust oil pln ship unit money MunchMunc 453 97% 120K 4.8K 7.7K 1.3K 18K 54K 1.7K 9.7K 227 20 57 13K 18985.18 ^^^ 563 86% 105K 4.5K 14K 1.9K 21K 26K 913 6.3K 201 46 62 22K 15608.98 Temekula 432 83% 77K 4.6K 5.6K 853 6.1K 42K 722 1.3K 107 23 41 16K 11779.56 Mongol_Ho 397 60% 71K 2.8K 6.6K 593 10K 37K 574 2.4K 87 27 18 3.1K 10715.87 Ski 293 66% 67K 1.6K 3.8K 796 3.8K 14K 2.4K 2.0K 157 21 25 6.6K 8961.78 Oktoberfe 210 76% 58K 2.1K 3.2K 332 11K 22K 5.8K 3.8K 98 14 23 3.2K 8304.97 Arrakis 156 63% 75K 656 2.2K 307 2.5K 18K 681 782 136 18 20 13K 7346.79 Burundi 44 61% 9.8K 276 171 35 0 3.3K 0 432 0 6 3 2.1K 763.17 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- worldwide 2.5K 78% 582K 21K 43K 6.0K 73K 216K 13K 27K 1.0K 180 250 80K Mon Apr 12 08:09:50 1999 # name tech research education happiness capital 1 Burundi 185.08 0.00 7.89 0.00 48,0 4 Arrakis 300.80 0.00 22.34 0.00 0,-30 5 Mongol_Horde 293.44 0.00 16.63 0.00 24,-16 7 Ski 286.59 0.00 25.17 14.80 -72,30 10 MunchMunch 240.83 0.00 21.53 36.14 -48,16 17 Temekula 261.83 0.00 24.47 14.36 -24,30 21 ^^^ 291.84 0.00 26.16 0.00 48,16 22 Oktoberfest 259.69 0.00 14.11 11.65 -72,-16

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