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"On air. On sea. On land. Still the Internet's greatest wargame simulation."

UAlberta Invitational

Deity: Ken Huisman
Bob Beck
Start Date: July 19, 1992
End Date: ?
Code used: ?
Winner(s): Graahoeje

Original Game Announcement

[Editor's Note: The original game announcement is lost. This is the closest we've found.]

July 17, 1992


To round out our game, we requre two experienced empire players
who would be interested in playing in a game with lots of other
experienced empire players.

We also require one person who would be willing to co-run a country
with an existing player.

Our code is MERC with some custom UALBERTA mods.

We will also take people for a waiting list in case a country comes free
later on.

More information will be mailed to the prospective players. Please, no

Here is a current country list:


mail your country name/rep to:


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Mid-game Updates

Blue coloring on countries in the power charts indicates the eventual winners of the game.

Three days after start, July 22, 1992


FNN Special report :
Week #0 Ualberta Invitational

Sunday saw the start of the Ualberta Invitational empire game. This game has 30 players in a 256X256 world that is mostly water. there are 5 clusters of 6 ~50 sector start islands in close proximity, with the clusters being separated bu vast tracts of ocean with a few small islands in it (essentially no free land). 1 update a day, 48 etus.

As it currently sits life would be fairly boring. We are currently waiting for update number 3 tonight, and yet the participants seem to have arrived in the world with a certain attitude that without any contact having been made already gives the world a certain subtle ambiance of "I wanna rip his lungs out". Hence, a post for your amusment.

     - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
      as of Wed Jul 22 13:32:01 1992

         sects  eff  civ  mil shell gun  pet iron dust food oil  pln ship money
Revelghos  55    9% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  250  200  1.0K   0    0    0   25K
 Temekula  55    7% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  650  150  1.1K   0    0    0   25K
    Itchy  50    9% 1.9K  10    0    0    0  450    0  1.0K   0    0    0   25K
Aquilonia  50    8% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  550  100  1.0K   0    0    0   25K
  Elaking  50    9% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  550    0  1.0K   0    0    0   25K
   Sardar  55    7% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  350  250  1.0K   0    0    0   25K
Stronghol  55    9% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  200    0  1.0K   0    0    0   25K
  Metzada  55    6% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  650    0  1.0K   0    0    0   25K
Park_Plac  50    9% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  300    0  1.0K   0    0    0   25K
Negativla  50    6% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  500  250  1.0K   0    0    0   25K
     Pern  50    7% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  300    0  1.0K   0    0    0   25K
   Hajtaj  50    7% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  300  150  1.0K   0    0    0   25K
   Gambit  55    7% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  450    0  1.0K   0    0    0   25K
NOGS_Inc.  55    6% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  450    0  1.0K  23    0    0   25K
   Syzygy  55    6% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  500    0  1.0K   0    0    0   25K
 Vulgaria  50    6% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  350    0  1.0K   0    0    0   25K
     HELL  50    6% 1.8K   0    0    0    0  450    0  1.0K  50    0    0   25K
Afrika Ko  55    6% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  200  150  1.1K  50    0    0   25K
  Krikkit  55    5% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  350  250  1.0K   0    0    0   25K
Orleanais  50    5% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  500    0  1.0K   0    0    0   25K
 Scratchy  55    6% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  200   40  1.0K  34    0    0   25K
Metallica  10   44% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  400    0  950    0    0    0   25K
   Actium  15   25% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  200  100  950   50    0    0   25K
  Finland  55    4% 1.6K   0    0    0    0  200    0  1.0K   0    0    0   25K
Corto_Mal  50    6% 1.2K  10    0    0    0  100  150  1.1K   0    0    0   25K
Brigadoon  50    4% 1.4K  50    0    0    0  200    0  1.1K   0    0    0   25K
 The_Scum  10   36% 1.7K   0    0    0    0  200    0  950   50    0    0   25K
EVIL_EMPI   5   46% 1.9K   0    0    0    0  250  150  950  100    0    0   25K
Graahoeje  20   10% 1.5K   0    0    0    0  400    0  1.1K   0    0    0   25K
   Resvon  10   19% 1.5K   0    0    0    0  250  100  1.1K   0    0    0   25K
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 1.3K   8%  53K  50    0    0    0   11K 2.1K  30K 400    0    0  745K

Much ado has been made over some of the people at the bottom and why they are staying there.. Perhaps we all may be enlightened given time..

The world trembles in anticipation.. I'll have to get another hard drive to hold the tempest when they actually locate each other..

Untill next week folks,


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Three and a half weeks after start, August 12, 1992


Fluffy News Network Update

The Ualberta game, after an unfortunate crash and restore,
is now progressing nicely.

Firstly, the headlines from the tabloid:

        -=[ The Empire Enquirer ]=-
   !   "Because Enquiring Minds Want to Know!"      !
          Wed Aug 12 09:12:08 1992
   Orleanais wreaks havoc on Hajtaj!
   Scratchy agression against Metzada has lessened slightly
   VIOLENCE ERUPTS! -- Hajtaj wages war on Orleanais
   Resvon seems to have forgotten earlier disagreement with Elaking
   Carnage wrought by Elaking on Resvon continues unabated!
   EVIL_EMPIRE leader confesses!: "I am Elivis's love child"

And we see that *Violence* is starting to grip the earth (heh heh)

Hajtaj, contentedly occupying one of the upper slots on the power chart, seemed to appear too ripe a target for Orleanis to pass up. A lightning attack by Orleanis succeeded in plundering Hajtaj's nice fat capital.

Unfortunately these two are being very quiet about their nice private little war.. How bout it guys? Let's see some windbagging and chestbeating here!!


Scratchy and Metzada, on the other hand, aren't so quiet. The Scratchy navy landed the welcome wagon on Metzadan shores on Monday, and they had proceeded go after everything within reach. Yesterday, however Metzada started putting up a good fight, and garnering some powerful allies against his invader:

> Announcement from Scratchy, (#17) dated Tue Aug 11 17:00:09 1992
The scene fades in on the situation room, located beneath the
north wing of the Palace. The room is buzzing with activity.

A large table in the center of the room displays an up to date
tactical map of the region. Personnel hurry about, busily
compiling and relaying current information, and the military
hierarchy discuss tactics and strategy with ministers. 

The King walks in, somewhat annoyed at having to call short
his Bungee Jumping lesson. He walks over to where a television,
tuned to CNN, broadcasts the latest headlines...

"...In today's top stories, the governments of Actium and Evil
Empire have dispatched military advisors to aid Metzadan
liberation forces. Meanwhile, the official Metzada news agency
reports fighting the imperialist Scratchy aggressors to a

"Shocking. This is almost as bad as those rumours of Bill
Gates' getting married and reproducing.", remarks the King.
"Very well. Execute plan B."

The ministers look at the King and the each other, puzzled. 
"Is that the one where we paradrop 'Elvis in his Vegas days'
impersonators and cause mass hysteria?", questions one of
the ministers.

"No no, that one's reserved for Resvon.", replies the King.

"Is it the one where we flood the airwaves with Liberace and
cause mass hysteria?', asks another minister.

"Egad! That's only in case of extreme emergency.", states
the King. "No no, Plan B is where we..."

Well, I'm not sure what plan B was let's see...

> Announcement from Metzada, (#31) dated Tue Aug 11 17:24:59 1992
(Metzada is temporarily incapacitated by a wave of mass chuckling 
throughout the countrysides)

> Announcement from Metzada, (#31) dated Tue Aug 11 20:09:34 1992
Metzadan Weather Central

All citizens are warned to remain indoors, as it seems to be
raining extensively outside today.

Thank you. We now return you to the fireworks show.
Tue Aug 11 20:02  fifty times Metzada arty pounds Scratchy sector to rubble


Perhaps Scratchy's plan B was that of cowering in your holes and
being clobbered by artillery fire... yeah.. that's it! :)

Meanwhile, there's always the other people in the cluster:

> Announcement from EVIL_EMPIRE, (#3) dated Tue Aug 11 23:16:17 1992

Because the nation of Scratchy has decided to start military
actions against an ally of EVIL_EMPIRE, (and because
he's in the same cluster as us) EVIL_EMPIRE has also
declared WAR on this lame fodderous country with
a REALLY dumb name. There just isn't room in this
cluster for da both of us dude... }:)


However, just noticing the f-word in that last anno reminds me of something else. Perhaps it occured something like the following:


Dateline : Morg Zanth ... Seat of the EVIL_EMPIRE throne..

The Dark One paces restlessly in his throne room, his evil Queen(s)
avoid his wrath.. he is in a foul mood.

"Nothing is Happenening!" he roars! His advisors tremble at the
sudden outburst.

"The Evil Populace is becoming indolent and lazy!! They're too
bloody pampered!!"

The Dark One heads for the files and returned with a well-used
folder marked:
`EE-45791 Imperial Directive for Inducing Natural Selection'

He hands it to the minister of the Interior: "Implement this

The minister sighs and shaked his head.. He has implemented this
plane many times before, when the Dark One reached his vilest moods.. He
wonders to himself if the Evil One will ever tire of it..

Mon Aug 10 20:01  EVIL_EMPIRE citizens starve in disasterous famine three times

:-) Nothing like keeping a reputation alive is there? :-)

Elaking and Resvon also have a long standing disagreement.
After an exchange of insults they discovered that they were practically
neighbors, with ensuing carnage:

> Announcement from Elaking, (#18) dated Tue Aug 11 18:45:27 1992
The sighting of two dark brown ocean
currents flowing past Elak Isle has
been explained as belonging to Mighty
Resvon. Elak Sanitary Engineers have
been dispatched and work has already begun
at purifiying the ocean again.
One of the perculiarities noticed was the
fact that the detrius had formed
little clumps spelling out:
"Resvon dat away ====>".
A Elak patrol boat is currently
observing Resvon, upwind from the island, of course.

Of course, the peculiar phenomenon of claimed waters has been
noticed by some of the players. Some folks started exploring out from
their islands in nice straight lines claiming water as they went.
Some more dark minded individuals have noticed that by folloving the
lines of colored confetti on the water, they can sail right to the
island in question :)

Last but not least, the power list.. One person in particular has been
commenting frequently on it :

> Announcement from Afrika Korps, (#6) dated Wed Aug 12 06:18:33 1992
Looks like the world is still in it's rightful order
(at least according to power :-)


It remains to be seen how long he can keep the yellow jersey with the
big pangean bullseye on it :-)


     - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
      as of Wed Aug 12 11:08:06 1992

         sects  eff  civ  mil shell gun  pet iron dust food oil  pln ship money
Afrika Ko  55   96%  24K 150    0    0    0  2.1K 1.9K  11K 2.0K   0    3   20K
 Negatarr  55   96%  24K 350   25    0    0  2.5K 1.3K 4.5K 100    0    6   25K
     Pern  55   95%  23K 350    0    0    0  1.9K 1.2K 7.8K 1.2K   0    2   35K
Park_Plac  55   82%  24K 300   50   20    0  2.8K 1.1K 4.8K 650    0   10   10K
   Syzygy  55   89%  24K 350  100   25  150  1.6K 950  6.5K 1.4K   1    0   10K
Aquilonia  50   87%  23K 250   20   25  400  2.6K 550  5.2K 850    4    6   15K
   Sardar  55   86%  23K 400   25   15   50  1.7K 650  4.7K 500    1    4   15K
 Vulgaria  50   81%  23K 200   50   10    0  1.9K 550  6.2K 850    2    4   15K
 The_Scum  50   69%  22K 150   25    0    0  2.7K 1.9K 3.4K 800    0    0   20K
     HELL  55   68%  21K 450   20    4    0  1.1K 950  4.3K 350    0    3   35K
  Krikkit  55   71%  20K 150   25   10    0  2.4K 650  2.9K 400    0    3   30K
  Finland  55   81%  19K 100    0    0    0  1.9K 750  6.0K 450    0    3   20K
  Elaking  50   82%  19K 900   50    5    0  1.6K 500  2.6K 550    0    7   10K
   Actium  55   75%  18K 350   50   15    0  3.1K 700  3.9K 450    0    2   20K
   Hajtaj  45   91%  19K 350    8    1    0  1.2K 2.9K 5.8K 400    0    1   15K
Stronghol  55   72%  18K 250  100   15    0  2.5K 1.4K 6.0K 900    0    3   20K
Graahoeje  50   74%  19K 750  100   10    0  1.7K 400  5.1K 700    2    8   10K
Metallica  55   64%  21K 700    0    0    0  1.4K 550  6.7K 800    0    3   10K
  Metzada  50   72%  17K 700   16   10    0  950  1.6K 5.2K 1.2K   0    0   30K
Orleanais  60   64%  16K 450   50   15  100  1.4K 500  3.3K 650    1    6   20K
NOGS_Inc.  55   46%  18K 1.1K   0    0    0  3.3K 600  2.1K 400    0    0   15K
 Scratchy  55   65%  18K 250   25   10   50  1.4K 600  5.2K 400    1    4   10K
   Resvon  55   64%  19K 150    0    0    0  1.5K 400  3.0K 500    0    0   20K
EVIL_EMPI  50   60%  19K 350    0    0    0  1.1K 800  4.8K 500    0    8   15K
Brigadoon  55   66%  17K 550  100   25    0  750  800  2.9K 450    0    2   10K
    Itchy  55   50%  16K  10    0    0    0  1.1K 300  3.1K 550    0    2   35K
Temestron  50   53%  14K 1.4K  25   10    0  1.4K 200  6.5K 200    0    5  5.0K
Revelghos  55   44%  13K 350    4   10    0  1.1K 750  4.5K 250    0    2   15K
Corto_Mal  55   43%  13K  47    0    0    0  1.9K 700  3.3K 150    0    0   20K
  Valinor  55   29% 9.0K  32    0    0    0  1.2K 350  1.5K 850    0    1   50K
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 1.6K  70% 573K  12K 900  225  750   54K  27K 142K  19K  10  100  570K
That's all for this week folks. Stay tuned for next week when we are sure to feature even more blood, gore, and other sensationalist journalism. And for the questions:

Is Guzzer Itchy?
Is Guzzer Scratchy?
Is Bill Clinton EVIL?
Is Elvis alive and living in Resvon?

Enquiring minds want to know.

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Game Summary

[Editor's Note: Game summary from deity is missing. Following summary provided by one of the winners (Graahoeje)]


Somehow the official End-Of-Game announcement from the deity of the UAlberta
Invitational never made it out...not to Europe anyway. So here's the
Graahoeje view on the game....

This game had a pretty non-standard world layout. The land was divided into
5 clusters with 6 starting islands in each cluster. Two sectors between
starting islands and >FIFTY sectors between clusters (this fact had a very
strong impact on the course of the game). Except for the cluster only
a few scattered 3-5 sector islands were out in the big, no
free land at all (these "Midway" islands were only usefull for limited military
purposes......they were far away from the clusters, and the game had no trade
and no market).

First let me say, that the game was won by the Vulgaria/Graahoeje alliance. We
had the tech lead and were leading in size as well (after nuking the opponents
anyway...:) ). This was one game where the nation of Graahoeje did not only win
due to a very large size.....:)

The final power report (well, at this time the allied victory claim was
accepted by all nations...although the game in fact hasn't been taken down yet): (see Final Power)

At this time still noone but Graahoeje had 5MT nukes, and the nation of Graahoeje
had been in possession of them for five updates.

The course of the game from a Graahoeje point of view:

The game started LOUSY to put it mildly. The connection to the states was down, and consequently I missed the first update entirely (not the best of things to do with a 48ETU game, and to make things worse every single player was experienced...Invitational, remember...).....

Well, there was nothing to do but either give up, or try to catch up......and we are not someone who gives up....:)

After having eventually found my neighbours, I found that Finland had neglected his military capability, obviously running for tech and believing that noone would attack him yet. Now interestingly enough this game had tech 15 landers, so with two landers I proceeeded to attack with 300 mil (at this time Finland had a slightly larger population than Graahoeje). Having observed the powercharts carefully I knew, that Finland didn't have more than his initial 100 reserves yet. After hitting his newly created enlistment center and wiping out 50 of his 100 mil, it was just a matter of time...he never recovered from the initial assault. Remember, boys and girls, tech is good, but survival is better.....:)

Now I had to build two bridges to get to Finland. At 4000$ each, bridges were EXPENSIVE. The Graahoeje economy was in tatters, and consequently tech-production wasn't going as fast as could be wished. At this time the tech leaders were Vulgaria and Syzygy (none other than Guzzer in disguise).

Planes were a great laugh in this game (even second generation bombers were lousy, and transports didn't arrive until tech 130), so every attack had to be conducted by landing ships supported by offensive navys.

On to the next target. South of Finland was Corto_Maltese. Unfortunately Vulgaria wanted a piece of him as well, and flew over his country several hours before the update where my attack was planned. As a consequence, Corto got suspicious (and Vulgaria wasn't even goping to ATTACK yet....), and was on at the update. So much for a surpise attack......Corto_Maltese moved his capitol and his bank, and I could have taken both with an update attack otherwise.....

The Vulgarian leader wasn't exactly popular that night. My staying up until 4AM (thats the time of the silly rotating updates in this game) was all for nothing.

Well the next update, I tried again, and although it wasn't as easy as it could have been, eventually Corto was conquered (and my economy was even worse..... yet another 8000$ went to bridge construction). In the final stages Vulgaria took some 15 sectors in the southend of Corto_Maltese.......the Graahoeje leader was now seriously considering hostile action towards Vulgaria......

My cluster was now down to 3 nations. Graahoeje with 150 sectors (each starting island was 50-55 sectors), Orleanais with 110 sectors (after having swallowed the sixth and last starting nation) and Vulgaria with 70 sectors. Now the Graahoeje leader had a choice.......should he side with Vulgaria or with Orleanais (I didn't think I could pull off fighting them both...... the game rules allowed only TWO allies to win, so the one I choose now had to be the only one for the rest of the game). I found it unrealistic to ever attack another cluster, and figuring that half of 110 is more than half of 70, I decided to ally with Vulgaria (maybe the fact that we had been allies before had just a little bit to do with it...:) ). Unfortunately being an "honourable" leader I felt compelled to tell Orleanais my decision....have you ever tried a naval invasion against a coastline with >10 forts????? Although with too high costs, 5 updates after hostilities initiated Orleanais had lost one of his islands to Graahoeje forces, and had no real hope of holding the other one against a combined Vulgaria/Graahoeje assault.

At this time Graahoejes tech was around 140. Realising that 50 sectors is just plain to far away to attack effectively, and since there was no more enemies in my cluster, I decided to go to peacetime economy and start producing tech for real.

I had almost caught up with Vulgaria now, and we decided that Graahoeje should push tech, and Vulgaria would slow down. A plan was laid out to bring Graahoeje to 5MT tech in 20 updates, and at that time Vulgaria should be tech ~225. Looking at the repo * for Vulgaria would then tell us who had tech >275 (ABM 1's were tech 280, and so were anti-sats).

We were very worried that especially the Park_Place/Aquionia alliance would start producing mass amounts of tech as well (they had a much easier job of securing their entire cluster, and Graahoeje was an entire update behind to begin with), but there was NO way Graahoeje could reach tech 325 faster than 20 updates....there simply weren't enough resources or money for it was, I would arrive at tech 325 with only 1500 dust and 20K oil left and with no way to get new resources (the Vulgarian deposits would be depleted as well).

At last, after 13 updates I hit tech 260 and Vulgaria hit 220. Noone was advanced compared to Vulgaria...YET! I started sending telegrams to the deity counting down from seven (all right, maybe it WAS just a bit arrogant...I was bored..:) ). Hitting tech 290, still noone else was above tech 275...the deity challenged me to announce publicly that I was only four updates away from 5MT tech..... SO I DID....:)

The Vulgaria/Graahoeje alliance claimed victory and announced that anyone who didn't accept the claim and/or broke tech 275 would be nuked......we had no sats as of yet, but Nuclear Attack Subs with speed 50 do a good job mapping as well, and Trawlers aren't too bad expensive way to do mapping but it works (I had several naval battles with Park_Place in my attemps of mapping his entire country....I won enough of them to get the info I wanted). The presence of claimed water sectors made the entire enterprise more difficult, but we finally managed.....
We didn't really care about what sector-designations the land had.....we just wanted to know where the landsectors were located. 3 5MT nukes in a 55 sector island leaves <10 sectors not wasteland even with an irregular shape.....:)

Two more updates with noone else above tech 275, and there would be no ABM's to intercept my nukes. It turned out that only Elaking, Park_Place and Sepultura (The DeathAngel had in the meantime taken over from Aquilonia) wanted to fight it out..... I guess they didn't think that we had the resources to take everyone out one by one as they reached tech 275 (we didn't HAVE to do it before that...:) ).

Hitting tech 325 the Graahoeje leader now knew, that he had a lead of at least FIFTY in tech....noone ever suspected that I was running 10 tech centers full tilt, because I was still making money (although I spent 50-60K an update on tech...thats a lot with a 230 sector country, when you haven't got dust for more than 1800 bars). That was a serious mistake of the opposition....:) Syzygy was tech 275 at the time, and noone else was above tech 240.....and Syzygy was not in a position to be a threat (he just didn't have the nuke was 30.000$).

The power looked like this before the nuking commenced:

         sects  eff  civ  mil shell gun  pet iron dust food oil  pln ship money
Graahoeje 242   99% 231K 1.8K 2.8K 935  4.4K  54K 1.9K 143K  23K  82   21  693K
  Elaking 230   92% 184K 9.8K  10K 1.2K 5.0K  49K 700   62K 7.5K 150   40  130K
Park_Plac 205   89% 173K 2.8K 6.8K 880  3.8K  43K 2.0K  71K  11K  80   30  240K
Sepultura 160   90% 118K 3.8K 5.3K 745  3.1K  38K 1.4K  87K 4.5K  60   20  590K
 Negatarr 115  100% 111K 2.3K 5.6K 575  7.5K  30K 1.1K  52K 1.8K 170   20  670K
   Actium 145  100% 132K 5.3K 5.3K 685  4.8K  17K 300   44K 1.1K 140   20  170K
  Krikkit 120   96% 109K 7.2K 3.5K 735   12K  11K 1.8K  29K 3.9K  30    4  550K
 Vulgaria 130   90% 112K 1.0K 2.1K 360  1.2K 1.7K 300   44K 300   30   20  175K
   Dropsy 100   95%  86K 2.9K 2.3K 660  2.5K 7.0K 150   21K 3.1K 100   20  125K
 Scratchy  85  100%  82K 1.9K 2.3K 345  1.3K  28K 700   22K 1.9K  60   20   25K
   Syzygy 105   95%  89K 2.6K 2.8K 470  950  9.9K 300   15K 2.1K  30   10   30K
   Sardar  85   95%  82K 1.9K 5.8K 385  2.0K  12K 1.2K  25K 3.9K  60   30   20K
     Pern  70   92%  63K 3.9K 2.5K 380  3.5K  13K 2.0K  38K 1.8K  70   20   65K
Brigadoon  10   79% 4.2K  41   50    4   50   12K   3  4.5K  11    0    0  110K
quit in p   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   75K
EVIL_EMPI   0    0%   0   50   50    4    0    0    0   35    0    0    3   40K
Revelghos   0    0%   0   20   14    2    0    0    0   16    0    0    2   35K
Metallica   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   15K
Orleanais   0    0%   0    7    0    0    0    0    0   13    0    0    2  1.9K
  Metzada   0    0%   0   23   14    2    0    0    0   13    0    0    1  446
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 1.8K  95% 1.6M  47K  57K 8.4K  52K 328K  14K 656K  66K 1.0K 270  3.8M

As you all can see from the final powerchart, it turned out, that after launching some 25 nukes (creating 400 wasteland), neither Elaking, nor Park_Place, nor Sepultura were in any way threatening anymore.

Oh yes, we could have destroyed all three utterly, but we stopped when they gave up......we had promised in advance that anyone who accepted our claim would be left untouched.

END OF GAME! The rest of the nations just accepted the Graahoeje/Vulgaria supremacy....not bad for a poor late startes, huh????? And the funny part is. It really wouldn't have made any difference if most of the wrold had turned against us.....our techlead was just too big. We didn't need that much money to turn the world into wasteland. 24 hostile islands and two nukes in each makes 48 nukes used and 950 wasteland created.....:)

The Nuclear King


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Final Power

[Editor's Note: Final power taken from game summary (see above) by one of the winning players]

Blue coloring on countries in the power chart indicates the winners of the game.

         sects  eff  civ  mil shell gun  pet iron dust food oil  pln ship money
Graahoeje 257   97% 234K 1.7K 4.0K 925  5.0K  44K 1.4K 189K  17K  71   20  675K
 Negatarr 115  100% 111K 1.9K 6.9K 755  8.9K  30K 950   50K 1.1K 170   20  960K
   Actium 145  100% 134K 5.7K 9.5K 1.0K 6.6K  25K 150   52K 1.2K 140   20  290K
 Vulgaria 135   89% 113K 750  2.1K 360  1.2K  20K 300   54K 150   30   20  285K
  Krikkit 120   99%  48K 2.8K 3.4K 720   12K  12K 1.8K  23K 3.7K  30    3  730K
   Syzygy 110   99% 102K 2.3K 5.2K 560  2.5K  21K 650   22K 2.5K  40   10   35K
 Scratchy  85  100%  85K 1.9K 3.2K 440  1.8K  39K 900   34K 600   90   20   55K
   Dropsy  95   95%  73K 1.9K 2.8K 795  2.5K  12K 100   19K 2.8K 100   20  250K
   Sardar  95   92%  82K 1.8K 8.0K 600  1.9K  18K 950   28K 3.1K  60   40   35K
     Pern  80   71%  56K 2.0K 1.5K 280  1.1K 6.4K 600   22K 1.4K  40   20  1.7K
Park_Plac  55   68%  16K 600  850   90  2.7K 6.0K 1.6K  15K 1.4K  20   10  165K
Sepultura  40   75%  11K  50   25   10    6  1.2K 100   33K 200    2    4  290K
  Elaking  50   55% 5.0K 1.6K 1.8K 115  700  150    0  7.3K 500   10   30   45K
Brigadoon   5   60% 1.1K   3    3    1    3  2.5K   0   27    2    0    0  115K
EVIL_EMPI   0    0%   0   50   50    4    0    0    0   22    0    0    3   40K
Revelghos   0    0%   0   20   14    2    0    0    0   10    0    0    2   30K
Metallica   1   91% 200   20   20    5  200    1    0    0    1    0    0   15K
Orleanais   0    0%   0    7    0    0    0    0    0   10    0    0    2  1.1K
  Metzada   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   34
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 1.4K  92% 1.1M  25K  49K 6.7K  47K 238K 9.5K 548K  36K 780  240  4.0M

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Final Report

No final report

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No awards

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> Announcement from Revelghosts, (#10)  dated Mon Jul 20 20:46:16 1992
The Great Revelstone leader contemplates the view from the top...

Downright impressive...

How's the weather down there evil?

*evil grin*

> Announcement from EVIL_EMPIRE, (#3)  dated Mon Jul 20 20:50:21 1992

Dateline: Mel Zeth, Imperal Capitol of THE EVIL_EMPIRE

Today's weather will be just a tad better then in the country
of The_Scum, but alot worse then that of some weird country
that we haven't found *YET*.


] Many players have also noticed "Itchy and Scratchy" with
]predictable responses of hostility and disdain.. Scratchy's reaction
]was articulate : 

> Announcement from Scratchy, (#17)  dated Mon Jul 20 15:54:33 1992
The scene shifts to the King's chambers...

The Sovereign, sitting at his desk sipping tea and nibbling
crumpets, muses over parchments which record the days acts of
parliament. He scans down the scroll, being most careful not
to soil it with crumpet crumbs, and suddenly pauses on a decree
most puzzling.

"Scribe, come here. What is this decree of which I have no
knowledge of passing?"

The scribe, nervously tugging at the edges of his tunic, reads
the item which has caused distress to his Leige.
"Sire, it is the proclamation that thy kingdom shall be known
henceforth as Scrathy."

"Scratchy! What kind of name is Scratchy?!!"

"My Lord, it was by thine order that the true identity of thy
kingdom be concealed from the other lands of this realm. You
decided, most wisely, to hide behind a false name until thy
enemies had tasted the edge of thy sword and gasped their
last dying breath in defeat. Thy advisors felt Scratchy would
be a most worthy name."

"Well then... if our land is to be known as Scratchy, I would
at least like to know what a Scratchy is."

"Yes, my Lord. Scratchy is the name of a fictitous cartoon

"A rodent?!! You mean to say my kingdom is named after a rodent?!!"

"Your parliament felt that it would be a most inoffensive and

misleading name. In addition, the mouse is often engaged in
chivalrous combat with a cat and is always victorious."

"Jolly good! I must say I rather like the idea of pummeling."

"Yes, my Lord. But their have been signs of disrespect and
annoyance because of thy choosen name."

"Really! Let me see the names of my worthy opponents...
NOGS_Inc.?! What on earth is a NOG? Put my Intelligence Bureau
to work on it."

"Immediately, my Lord."

"And this one... Vulgaria?! Sounds like a land where people
excrete body gases indescriminately. And what about this Itchy?"

"Itchy is the name of the cat which Scratchy repeatedly vanquishes
my Lord."

"Ah... so it is. Notify the 5th Legion to prepare for

"Yes, my Lord."

"Now who else have we got here... what is this Metallica?
Does this ruler really expect us to believe his citizens
are made of metal? How mad can one be. And what is this
blasphemous country of HELL? The Bishop will have a fit."

"Yes, my Lord."

"And here we have a country of Scum. I daresay they ought
to shower more over there. Ho Ha Ho."

"Very witty, my Lord."

"Well then... now that I've seen the worthy assortment of
nations, it is time to prepare. Summon my Ministers and
Noble Lords..."

] But returning to ambiance, Resvon, for whatever reason, managed to 
]miss the first update and break late.  Obviously he must have decided that
]this puts him at great advantage, since he now wants to kill half the world: 
> Announcement from Resvon, (#4)  dated Tue Jul 21 15:50:10 1992
My First War Declarations, by Mr. Ed:

To Itchy and Scratchy
Oh what a good joke
With names like these
How can you help but choke?

To krikkit, he who once was my friend
Then he started a bad game
And that was the end.

To Evil Dave Nye
You'll starve so many people
That it'll force oyu to cry.

To actium, he of late start
I'm gonna kill you so bad
That you couldn't even fart.

On donner, on dancer, on dasher and vixen....
On cupid and comet and prancer and nixon....

Oh but these times of war do strain so

go on home and drink some grain.

]The man has a way with a lyric, don't he...


Tue Jul 21 15:51  Resvon declares TOTAL WAR on Krikkit
Tue Jul 21 15:51  Resvon declares TOTAL WAR on Actium
Tue Jul 21 15:51  Resvon gets serious with EVIL_EMPIRE and declares WAR
Tue Jul 21 15:50  Resvon declares TOTAL WAR on Scratchy
Tue Jul 21 15:50  Resvon declares TOTAL WAR on Itchy
] And now today, he came up with a few more...
Wed Jul 22 12:29  Resvon declares TOTAL WAR on Brigadoon
Wed Jul 22 12:29  Resvon declares TOTAL WAR on Sardar
Wed Jul 22 12:29  Resvon declares TOTAL WAR on HELL
Wed Jul 22 12:29  Resvon gets serious with Syzygy and declares WAR
Wed Jul 22 12:29  Resvon declares TOTAL WAR on Elaking
Wed Jul 22 12:29  Resvon declares TOTAL WAR on Corto_Maltese
] Some countries saw fit to ignore him...
> Announcement from Brigadoon, (#28)  dated Wed Jul 22 12:47:01 1992
"High Leprechaun!  High Leprechaun!  Resvon has declared war on us!"
The Leprechaun of Diplomacy, after hearing the rattled messenger's
news, calmly walked over to the War Leprechaun, and smacked
him up side the head.
"You idiot!  What did you do to piss him off!"
"Me?  Me?  I did nothing!  At least so far."
"QUIT!"  belowed the High Leprechaun, "This is noone's fault.
Resvon is a dweeb."  As he retook his gold throne, the Lord of
Brigadoon reached for his favorite pipe."  After a few puffs,

he concluded with, "Ignore him."

    the Irishman
]     Others responded in kind: 
Tue Jul 21 16:17  EVIL_EMPIRE gets serious with Resvon and declares WAR
Wed Jul 22 00:48  Itchy declares TOTAL WAR on Resvon
] Scratchy's respose was appropriately severe:
> Announcement from Scratchy, (#17)  dated Tue Jul 21 20:20:54 1992
The scene shifts to the patio just off the east wing
of the palace. The King, soaking contentedly in the
outdoor jacuzzi and nibbling on more crumpets of course,
browses over a scroll recording the days events.

"What's this?" remarks the King, dropping crumpets into
the bubbling water in his alarm. "Come here Scribe." 

The Scribe scurries over quickly, "Yes my Leige?"

"Why has the land of Resvon declared war on us?"

"Well my Lord, earlier today the Resvon ambassador
delivered a communique from his King. Apparently the
potentate of Resvon is most irritated by our use of
the psuedo-name Scratchy."

"Oh really! How rude! I find that most unbecoming to
a ruler of which we have such high regard."

"Yes, my Lord."

"Well, we cannot allow such an insult to pass without
some sort of retaliation... I want all exports of
Camel-hair Lounge suits to Resvon stopped immediately,
and get me some more crumpets damn it!"

"Immediately, my Lord.".

] The main disagreement seems to be with 
]Resvon and TheEvilOne. The wind between these two is approching
]hurricane proportions :


> Announcement from EVIL_EMPIRE, (#3)  dated Tue Jul 21 14:25:22 1992

The NetGod is a very fickle God.  Sometimes they are awsome
and sometimes they can just make you cry in frustration
at what just seconds ago was possible is nolonger.

Life is getting ALOT better on the net.  Just in
the last 3-4 years the difference in net tims.
Hell, if I lived in Cambridge still I could have ISDN to my
apartment... }:).  All I'd need is to win a small
lottery and I'd buy a nice fast workstation and hack and
have empire games running from there.


> Announcement from Resvon, (#4)  dated Tue Jul 21 14:26:50 1992
And then you could have sex with it too!  Be cheaper
than what you're paying for those prostitutes you're
picking up from Wellesley.

> Announcement from EVIL_EMPIRE, (#3)  dated Tue Jul 21 16:16:57 1992
Don'tcha just hate it when some fodderous country a few pegs
down the powerchart has the brass ones to declare war on you?

Okay, Doogie..if that's what you want...You gots it bub.

Beware world...Any land between the foul country of Resvon and
EVIL_EMPIRE are hereby declared to be in a WARZONE and will
be used and abused accordingly.  This one is going to be
to the DEATH...

See you in HELL Doogie...

ps, Yeah, I know we have no idea where that warzone is..
Just becareful out there...

> Announcement from Resvon, (#4)  dated Tue Jul 21 16:19:27 1992
I think what he *meant* to say was that it'd
be the usual Evil Empire war of him cowering
on his homeisland making forts and defensive fighters
as fast as possible.

That's not skill - that's lame.  Hell - TOG could
do better than that.

> Announcement from EVIL_EMPIRE, (#3)  dated Tue Jul 21 16:30:17 1992

au contrair (sp) my dear ResRunt...I promise to bring the war
to you fast and all possible speed.

You will Die...and it won't be very pretty..  I'm going to send
your ugly mug back into the depths of Moria, or worse into
some rogue TinyTalk game...

> Announcement from Resvon, (#4)  dated Wed Jul 22 12:28:43 1992
Having ascertained that the upcoming war with the legion
of doom from EVIL_EMPIRE may encompass vast tracts of
land, we of Resvon hearby open up more paths of fire.
Please do not take offense at these actions, they ae
required to allow us to freely roam over the necessary land to
rape and pillage each other.

> Announcement from Scratchy, (#17) dated Tue Aug 11 17:00:09 1992
The scene fades in on the situation room, located beneath the
north wing of the Palace. The room is buzzing with activity.

A large table in the center of the room displays an up to date
tactical map of the region. Personnel hurry about, busily
compiling and relaying current information, and the military
hierarchy discuss tactics and strategy with ministers. 

The King walks in, somewhat annoyed at having to call short
his Bungee Jumping lesson. He walks over to where a television,
tuned to CNN, broadcasts the latest headlines...

"...In today's top stories, the governments of Actium and Evil
Empire have dispatched military advisors to aid Metzadan
liberation forces. Meanwhile, the official Metzada news agency
reports fighting the imperialist Scratchy aggressors to a

"Shocking. This is almost as bad as those rumours of Bill
Gates' getting married and reproducing.", remarks the King.
"Very well. Execute plan B."

The ministers look at the King and the each other, puzzled. 
"Is that the one where we paradrop 'Elvis in his Vegas days'
impersonators and cause mass hysteria?", questions one of
the ministers.

"No no, that one's reserved for Resvon.", replies the King.

"Is it the one where we flood the airwaves with Liberace and
cause mass hysteria?', asks another minister.

"Egad! That's only in case of extreme emergency.", states
the King. "No no, Plan B is where we..."

> Announcement from Metzada, (#31) dated Tue Aug 11 17:24:59 1992
(Metzada is temporarily incapacitated by a wave of mass chuckling 
throughout the countrysides)

> Announcement from Elaking, (#18) dated Tue Aug 11 18:45:27 1992
The sighting of two dark brown ocean
currents flowing past Elak Isle has
been explained as belonging to Mighty
Resvon. Elak Sanitary Engineers have
been dispatched and work has already begun
at purifiying the ocean again.
One of the perculiarities noticed was the
fact that the detrius had formed
little clumps spelling out:
"Resvon dat away ====>".
A Elak patrol boat is currently
observing Resvon, upwind from the island, of course.

> Announcement from Metzada, (#31) dated Tue Aug 11 20:09:34 1992
Metzadan Weather Central

All citizens are warned to remain indoors, as it seems to be
raining extensively outside today.

Thank you. We now return you to the fireworks show.

> Announcement from EVIL_EMPIRE, (#3) dated Tue Aug 11 23:16:17 1992

Because the nation of Scratchy has decided to start military
actions against an ally of EVIL_EMPIRE, (and because
he's in the same cluster as us) EVIL_EMPIRE has also
declared WAR on this lame fodderous country with
a REALLY dumb name. There just isn't room in this
cluster for da both of us dude... }:)


> Announcement from Afrika Korps, (#6) dated Wed Aug 12 06:18:33 1992
Looks like the world is still in it's rightful order
(at least according to power :-)

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