Saturday, 25 January 1997 01:35 EST

Empire Administration


Newbie Helper
If you need help getting started playing Empire, then feel free to ask one of the following Empire veterans for help:
Deity Helper
If you need help figuring out how to host a game, then feel free to ask one of the following Empire Server experts:
Server Source
The Source code for the new Empire2 and Empire3 servers is managed by:
The WISH LIST of modifications we'd like to make in the new server:
The Planet's Empire Archives are the home of Empire on the net.
Empire FAQ
The bi-weekly posting "Frequently Asked Questions about Empire" is maintained by:
The monthly Empire magazine the EMPIRE NEWS is edited by:
pei source
pei (Perl Empire Client) is the most commonly used Empire client.
The Empire Users Guide
20 Nov 95: "We're forming a project schemata and are progressing along ok. We will be including more people from the net as need and a definite purpose arise. This project is going to be a web based project, with a secondary ascii capability."
This is the machine where the Planet's Empire Archives live

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This page was created by Ken Stevens