Message-ID: Newsgroups: X-Path: utzoo!decvax!duke!chico!esquire!psl From: esquire!psl Date: Thu Jul 30 19:59:32 1981 Subject: psl games tape X-Google-Info: Converted from the original A-News header I am circulating a little package of games (mostly written by me) which run on V6, PWB & V7 Unices (with varying degrees of success). The games included are: (in order of appearance) Beasts Guessing game where the computer does the work Bog Much like the Parker Bros. game "Boggle" Convoy Submarine/Destroyer/Freighter game for multi-players Empire Mildly consuming simulation game Fast Food Burger joints & the stock market in "real-time" Grams Anagramming game for word freaks Spacebattle Arcade fun without quarters War Quickie Empire (2 players, 15 minutes) Wander Tool to create C.A.I. or Adventure or ... Anyone who would like a tape of these should send me a stamped-self-addressed tape with the following information: density (800 or 1600), format (tar or tp), type of system (V6, PWB, V7, 2BSD, 4BSD, VAX, etc. I don't have the VAX version ready yet), any other strangeness about your system. It is also help- ful to know a usenet address of someone who will be doing the installation... Peter Langston