
[##:##] Command : demobilize <SECTS> <NUMBER>

The demob command returns soldiers from the military back to civilian life. In addition, you have the option of placing the returning GIs into the nation's active reserve. The active reserve provides a pool of available military for a small salary (usually the same amount generated by a civilian) and provides for quick mobilization of military during a threat to national security.

If <NUMBER> is a positive number, that many military will be demobilized in each sector, regardless of any military already there.

If <NUMBER> is a negative number, military beyond -<NUMBER> will be demobilized in each sector.

As a result of demobilization, and as a thank you for serving their country in its time of need, a GI Bill is given to each soldier to the tune of $5 each.

Troops can only be demobilized in sectors which have greater than 60% efficiency, and only in home sectors (that is, not in occupied territory).

When troops are successfully demobilized in a given sector, the number of new civilians is printed, and the number in parentheses shows the total number of military left in that sector.

You have the option of placing civilians on active reserve. Civilians on active reserve can later be enlisted but you must pay them to stay on. Generally civilian on active reserve costs one tenth of what a military costs.

[##:##] Command : demob -2:0,0 1

New civilians on active reserve? (y/n) y
1 demobilized in -2,0 (19 mil left)
1 demobilized in 0,0 (9 mil left)
Total new civilians : 2
Military reserve stands at 2 (up 2)

[##:##] Command : demob -2:0,0 1 y

1 demobilized in -2,0 (18 mil left)
1 demobilized in 0,0 (8 mil left)
Total new civilians : 2
Military reserve stands at 4 (up 2)

See also : enlist , Populace