This document gives a rough order of events during the update.
1) Prepare a) prepare all ships, in order of ship number a) pay military on board b) feed people on board c) plague people on board b) prepare all planes, in order of plane number a) pay crew c) prepare all land units, in order of land unit number a) pay military on board b) feed people on board c) plague people on board d) prepare all sectors, top to bottom, left to right a) fallout is checked, if FALLOUT is defined b) guerrilla warfare is checked c) if there are no civs or mil in the sector, it reverts to the deity d) taxes are collected from civs & uws; mil are paid. e) if the sector is a bank it makes $$ proportional to its efficiency f) people in non-sanctuary sectors eat If not enough is available, the excess people will starve off. No more than 50% of the people in a sector can die; the uw's die first, then the civs, then the mil. g) if there was starvation, the work percentage is set to 0, otherwise the work rate rises by 8+(1-15), max of 100 h) population grows and is truncated i) if the sector doesn't have the plague, see if it catches it otherwise plague the people e) pay for military reserves. 2) Produce a) ship maintenance, in order of ship number b) plane maintenance, in order of plane number c) land unit maintenance, in order of land unit number d) sectors, top to bottom, left to right a) pay sector maintenance b) sectors that are stopped are skipped (see info stop) c) first increase eff d) then make things e) ship building, in order of ship number first increase efficiency, then produce stopped ships are started, but not built (see info stop) f) plane building, in order of plane number stopped planes are started, but not built (see info stop) g) land unit building, in order of land unit number stopped land units are started, but not built (see info stop) 3) Then, do deliveries for all sectors in the world, row by row, going from top to bottom, left to right 4) Then, do exporting via distribution for all sectors in the world, row by row, going from top to bottom, left to right 5) Then, do importing via distribution for all sectors in the world, row by row, going from top to bottom, left to right Also start sectors that are stopped 6) modify tech/res/hap/edu levels & do tech bleed 7) decrease levels due to passing of time 8) If MOB_ACCESS is not enabled, mobility is updated as follows: a) Add mobility to ships b) Add mobility to sectors c) Add mobility to planes d) Add mobility to land units