Subject : SERVER

Innards + Some details about the inner workings of the server

Bugs Known bugs in the Empire Server
Chainsaw ! Changes from KSU Empire to Chainsaw (1992-93)
Empire2 ! Changes from Chainsaw to Empire 2 (1995)
Empire3 Changes in Empire 3 (1995-96)
Empire4.0 ! Changes in Empire 4.0 (1996-1998)
Empire4.2 ! Changes in Empire 4.2 (1998-2005)
Empire4.3 ! Changes in Empire 4.3 (2006-2015)
Empire4.4 Changes in Empire 4.4 (2015-present)
God Tips on being God
Hidden The HIDDEN option
History Empire Revision History
Merc Changes from KSU code to Merc code (1992)
Old-empire ! Differences from 1.2 to UCB Empire
Options Server options

For info on a particular topic, type "info <topic>" where <topic> is one of the topics listed above. Topics marked by + are obsolete. Topics with unusually long info are marked with a !.