Saturday, 25 January 1997 01:35 EST
Available Countries
Here is a list of the Empire countries in currently running long term games
that are looking for a co-ruler or replacement. To contact a person on
this list, click on their name.
Replacements Needed
Co-Rulers Needed
Name: timothy sorenson
Game: Generic
Date available: 05 Nov 96
I am looking to help ANYone in ANY game.
Doorbell am I. I'll be happy to be SILIENT partner as
well. No noise, no teles, nothing but kick butt.
Name: Michael Cheuvront
Game: Generic
Date available: 01/01/97
Date submitted: 31 Dec 96
I will be a silent partener, I am very stratigic.
I may only be a beginner, but in my few first day,
I have done excellent.
If you need a co-ruler or a replacement for your country, then please
add yourself to the
above list. If you are already on the above list and you have found your
co-ruler or replacement, then please delete yourself from the
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Ken Stevens